JAKARTA - Distended stomach impacts are often associated with age. Indeed, the older people get, the more fat accumulates on the waist because muscle mass decreases. If this is allowed, the distended stomach will not only question appearance but also health.

But don't worry, there are some types of sports to shrink your stomach that you can try.

Launching Eat This, Not That, Thursday, December 29, lunges is one of the best sports in burning calories and fats. Because the lunges focuses on the strength of the feet, this sport also challenges stability and forces the middle part of the body to work harder.

Start this exercise by taking a long step back long enough that your knees form two 90 degrees corners at the bottom and pull yourself back with your front legs. Repeat on the same foot until you finish all the repetition and then change feet.

Pull up is a form of strength exercise that aims to maintain and increase muscle mass. This exercise is useful for shaping the body, especially the arm and upper body muscles.

You just do it by depending on the body to a fairly strong focus medium, for example, a pull bar or single cross section that has been specially designed to carry out this movement.

Push-up exercises using assistive devices such as TRX function to train the stability of the shoulder muscles. You just need to be in a push-up position with your hands on TRX as wide as your shoulders. Keep your lower back flat and don't let your hips down. Keep your body down, and keep your elbows close to your body as you descend. Push your body up, and repeat.

Overhead press also helps shrink your stomach. You need to stretch your body from bottom up to stabilize yourself and push the load.

Take two dumbbells and hold them on your shoulders. Keep the core muscle tight and glues pinched and then lift the barbell right above your head. At the top, bisep you have to be next to your ears. Don't lean or curl your lower back.

If you usually cycle casually, this time try cycling at more speed and feel the difference in the stomach area. A person weighing 70 kg can burn about 744 calories while cycling at a speed of 22 km/hour. Not only cycling on city streets, cycling on hills or mountains with mountain bikes will also have a similar effect.

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