JAKARTA - The short animated film The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse airs on Apple TV+. This film is directed by Peter Baynton and Charlie Mackesy. This short film is adapted from a children's book of the same name by Mackesy which is one of the most popular books of the modern era. Just like the title, the film follows a boy ( voiced by Jude Coward Nicoll) who got lost in the snowy forest. He tried to find his house, however, he was desperate. He then met the friendly and wise earth rat ( voiced by Tom Hollander). The land mouse invited the boy to look for his house by following the river. Their adventures then started. In the middle of the journey, the two of them met the virus ( voiced by Idris Elba). Unlike the earthrat, therocher is told to be an aggressive figure, but turns out to be quiet and has high empathy in his own way. Their journey to find a home continued, until they finally met a good and big white horse ( voiced by Gabriel Hukil). Quoted from ANTARA, the most striking thing about this animated film is how the illustrated style is similar to the drawing style of the author of the book, Charlie Mackesy. The "unstable" ink splashes are thick, water paint-like colorings, carrying the impression of "perfectity" that somehow feels right and beautiful to look at. In terms of story, it seems to remind us a little of Christopher Robin and his friends, as well as Little Prince (Le Petite Prince) who are traveling to find something. However, the approach "The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse" is arguably more mature with a series of inspiring dialogues and discussions. Many quotes are so soothing and intriguing in Sanubari. Although the animated film made by the BBC is intended as a family spectacle, it's inevitable that the film could also be a "strengthen" for adults who watch it. However, sometimes the dialogue, which is full of wise words, feels too congested, considering that the duration is only about 35 minutes long. Not infrequently the audience may feel the film is "preachy" with a series of beautiful quotes incrementally. "What is the boldest thing you ever say to someone?" asked the boy. "'Please,'. Requesting help is not a sign that you have given up. But it is that you refuse to give up," replied the horse. After all, The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse are sweet reminders that can touch many people from their simple premises -- about how we do good to each other, interpret friendship, dare to face challenges, and be willing to accept and be honest with our own feelings. Everyone can experience feelings of getting lost or feeling "not enough", however, have we ever talked about it? Most of the time, it's us holding back, and it's a very difficult thing to admit to anyone. This film highlights the importance of emotion and how to identify it in ourselves. The film is even more complete with the accompaniment of the score from Isobel Waller-Bridge ("Emma"). You could say, "The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse" is ready to be a new spectacle during this holiday season.

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