JAKARTA - Who, who doesn't want to have healthy hair shiny? However, the dense activity, air pollution, and an unhealthy lifestyle have the potential to damage hair. Problems began to emerge, such as kerontokan, dull, and ketombe.

From a series of problems that threaten hair health, loss is the most feared scourge. Imagineable if hair starts to run low at a young age and is threatened with premature hair loss. If you start experiencing light hair loss, you don't have to worry anymore. Here's VOI launched Healthline, Friday, December 23, sharing how to quickly grow healthy and strong hair.

According to Dr. Lindsey Bordone, a dermatologist at Columbia Doctors and assistant professor of dermatology at Columbia University Medical Center, things that can interfere with hair growth certainly cannot be avoided. However, you can take precautions so that hair growth will not be disrupted. One of them is by not on a strict diet. Because a strict diet can reduce the resources and nutrients needed for hair growth.

If the diet you are on is very strict, it will not grow optimally and deterrence can occur. Eating a balanced diet with protein intake is quite important for optimal hair growth. Generally, health experts recommend consuming 50 grams of protein or more per day.

Caffeine can boost energy and use topically has proven to increase hair growth. Research shows that caffeine in topical products, such as shampoo and conditioner can prevent hair loss as effective as drug-based care. Caffeine can increase hair growth by stimulating metabolism and cell proliferation.

Massage of the scalp can help increase relaxation and relieve stress. But, according to a small study conducted in 2016, this massage also helps improve the health of your hair.

Clinical studies show that applying antioxidants to the scalp can significantly reduce hair loss and improve the condition of the scalp. In one study conducted for 8 weeks, women who use shampoo or skin care without rinse containing pyrochtone oxide significantly increase hair number and improve head skin conditions compared to women who use shampoo with placebo formulation.

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