JAKARTA - Falcon Black Pictures, a production house under the auspices of Falcon Pictures specifically for horror films, is ready to screen their first film, Magic Baby. Directed by Rako Prijanto, the film will premiere in theaters on January 19, 2023. The Magic baby also made Rako Prijanto's comeback to the horror genre, after being last involved as a director in the horror anthology film in 2008 through ‘ Takut: Face of Fear ’. “ This is an honor for me to be able to remake the Magic Baby. In my opinion, this is an attribute to the Indonesian horror film that was once victorious and is currently victorious again, ” said Rako Prijanto to the media crew in the Pancoran area, South Jakarta on Wednesday, December 21. Thirty years ago, in 1982 to be precise, the original film Magic Baby was screened for the first time with Tindra Rengat as a director, and starred several legendary actors in the country such as WD Mochtar, Rina Hassim, Muni Cader, Husin Lubis and Wolly Sutinah or better familiarly known as Mak Wok. In the remake version, quality actors were presented. Vino G. Bastian and Adipati Dolken who have often collaborated with Rako Prijanto as the main characters. “ If Vino and Dodot (Adipati), what is certain is that I am happy with actors who are professional and sensitive. They are sensitive to playing their characters in their style,” said Rako. In addition, several names such as Desi Ratnasari, Sarah Fajira and Rayhan also played. “ I also need actors like Desi Ratnasari, Sarah and Rayhan, who are really sensitive to translating what is needed in this film, ” he continued. In this remake version, the production team tries to maintain the outline of the story that already exists. The iconic scenes that already exist are maintained. “ Frankly, because this is a tribute to the old film, 90 percent of the similarities,” said Rako. However, there are some basic differences that keep the remake version of the Magic Baby interesting to look forward to. “ As for the old settings in 1982, uniquely this time the settings are getting longer, around the 1900s, ” he continued. Not only that, Rako also said that this film would certainly use the latest technology. Some of the technologies that have been applied in the Indonesian film industry are used to give a better impression. For example, the application of robotic DUmmy is used when displaying a magical baby in the film. “Fortunately, now Indonesia is advanced, for a 5-month-old baby we use what is called a robotic DUmmy. So the baby's mouth can open, and can shine. Then also assisted with CGI (Ckmputer Generated Imagery),” he concluded.

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