YOGYAKARTA Diet blood type O must be carried out according to the provisions. This is done so that the results are maximized so that health is better maintained. Basically, the diet carried out by O blood is the same as the diet in general, it's just that there are some taboos that must be considered.

Did you know that the originator of the diet method based on blood type is Dr. Peter D'Adamo. He is a naturopathic doctor. According to him, O blood type is recommended to consume foods that contain protein but are low in carbohydrates. The recommended food for O blood type owners is as follows.

Citing the Alodokter website, for those of you who have O blood and are on a diet program, there are several foods or drinks that should be limited. This means that there is a dietary taboo for blood type O, which is as follows.

The diet for O blood type is actually easy because it focuses on the type of food consumed. For example, you set the food menu three times a day a week. The food menu that can be tried is as follows.

The breakfast menu for the O blood type diet can use fruits such as bananas, urus, or kiwi. You can make the fruit menu for breakfast at most twice as much as two times. After that, select other sources of protein such as non-fat meat.

2. lunch Menu

The lunch menu for blood type O can use green vegetables such as brokenoli, and so on. Use additional olive oil to enrich the nutritional content.

3. dinner menu

Consumption of fresh seafood cooked or steamed. As for the seafood that can be chosen, such as big red, shrimp, candidates, salmon, and so on. You can mix it with healthy vegetables as a complement.

O Blood Class Diet Benefits

Diet is indeed one way to maintain health and keep body weight ideal. In general, the following are the benefits of O blood type diets.

This benefit will be felt by dieters, especially O blood type owners. Maintaining body weight will prevent you from the risk of illness caused by obesity.

This diet basically limits foods that contain carbohydrates, so the risk of developing type 2 diabetes is smaller. In addition, the blood sugar content will also be maintained as long as you pay attention to food intake.

That's information related to O's blood type diet. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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