YOGYAKARTA - The footballer of the French team, Kylian Mbappe has been on the rise since before the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. Mbappe has been famous since he entered the fashion world, namely when he became a brand ambassador for Oakley's glasses. The man, who today, Tuesday, December 20, was even 24 years old, was also caught on vacation with the transpuan model Ines Rau. Who is Ines Rau and how is his career in modeling? Take a peek at the following portraits.

Ines Rau is the first transpuan model whose photo decorated the front page of Playboy magazine in 2017. Launching DailyMail, Ines Rau was seen at the Cannes Film Festival before being caught on vacation on a cruise with French footballer Kylian Mbappe.

Through his autobiography book, Rau wrote about the process of being a transgender at the age of 16. At a young age, he underwent sex-change surgery from a man to a woman or known as transpuan.

Disclosure of oneself in autobiographic books and the travel process that Rau goes through is not an easy thing. It experienced various stigmas and skewed responses about being transpuant. According to Rau in his book, the journey he went through was the most free thing in his life.

Rau also received slanted news when he became a cover model in Playboy. However, the son of the founder of this man's walk spoke up. Cooper Hefner said via his Twitter he wrote, "We must work together for a more open world, not a world that promotes hatred and lack of acceptance".

Not only Ines Rau who is rumored to have a special relationship with Mbappe. Belgian model, Rose

In an interview for Playboy, Rau said, "I lived a long time without saying that I was transgender. I often date and almost forget."

Ines Rau added again in the interview, I have to be yourself... to tell the truth about yourself, be it gender, sexuality, whatever. Others don't deserve to refuse you. It's not about being loved by others; it's about loving yourself.

The above portrait is a mitigation shot that caught Kylian Mbappe carrying Ines Rau on a cruise ship. To date, there has been no official statement from the two of them from Mbappe and Rau about the special relationship that has been established.

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