JAKARTA - The Cek Toko Next to 2 film which will hit theaters on December 22 has released its official official poster for some time. The poster shows several main characters showing different poses and faces.

Koh Afuq (Cew Kinwah) appears to be sitting on the left with one leg raised and the look on his face that shows dissatisfaction. In this second season, Koh Afuq had hopes for his two children, he wanted Erwin to get married soon and Yohan had a child.

Then at the bottom of the poster it appears that Yohan (Dion Wiyoko), Ayu (Adonia Wirasti) and Amanda (Widuri Puteri) fall to their knees. The three of them showed their smiling faces, they could not be separated. Yohan and Ayu's family did get a tough test when Yohan's father wanted a grandson born to Ayu herself.

And then there are Erwin (Ernest Prakasa) and Natalie (Laura Basuki) on the right side of the poster holding hands. The two seem to show a different face, which Erwin looks happier than Natalie. Interestingly, Natalie added herself with her head leaning on her mother's lap, Agnes (Maya Hasan).

Agnes seemed to hold Natalie's hand and sat upright and displayed a cold face. In this second season, Agnes became a barrier to Natalie and Erwin's relationship. Natalie's mother still feels the quality of Erwin who wants to propose to her child.

In addition to the 7 actors along with their roles above, Check Shop Next to 2 also presents many other actors, such as men's prayer adjis, Yusril Fahriza, Hernawan Yoga, Asri Welas, Ariyo Wahab, Edward Suhadi, Sylvester Aldes, Abdur Arsyad, Martin Anugrah, Rachman Avri, Pritt Timothy, Raya Adena Syah, Annisa Hertami, Marwoto Kawer, Marcelino Lefrandt, Gesya Shandy, Jhony Johannes, Victor Tanoni and Reza Nangin.

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