JAKARTA - The film Cross The Line, starring Shenina Cinnamon and Chicco Kurniawan, can now be legally accessed on the KlikFilm streaming platform since December 9, 2022. The work of filmmaker Razka Robby Ertanto is positively appreciated by cinema lovers.

Cross The Line presents a story with a unique background, namely life in the port and booths of the ship. The spearhead of this film is Maya and Harris's natural character by the deadly duo Sheninna-Chicco.

A number of intimate scenes were executed without distance, intense, as if the two of them really had a sense of belonging to each other. Adult, brave, without cooperating around. They seembelievable as ( sorry) difficult people.

Relax just run away from difficult conditions by having sex. The boundaries between love, hate, longing, and fuss in their life as thick as the onion skin. A tug of war between the two is the magnet of this film.

This is a reunion between Shenina and Chicco, after they competed in the film Copying Light, which won the Cup at the 2021 Indonesian Film Festival, for the Best Feature Film category, Best Male Leading Actor, and 10 other categories.

Direktur KlikFilm, Frederica mengungkapkan, film Cross The Line menjadi salah satu film yang diproduksi KlikFilm yang mendapatkan apresi positif di beberapa ajang festival film dalam negeri." Sebelum hadir di KlikFilm, Cross The Line tayang di Festival Film World Cinema Week dan JaFF. Dan film ini mendapat respon yang positif. Ini tentunya membuat kami senang ya," ungkapnya.

Robby Ertanto, the director, admitted that he wanted to make a filmromance with a different point of view. Not just about love, he wants the film to have a deep meaning.

"I want to make something different, right (the film) has a lot of love stories in Indonesia. Let's try to find something different. Finally we got an idea, describing the crew of the ship setting on a ship and port. Want to make something different, but still with the same theme, namely love story," he said at a press conference on Thursday, December 8.

Meanwhile, Chicco Kurniawan revealed, this film is not just an ordinary love story. "I can say, the story of this film is extraordinary. Not only about love, but also social problems, why do people want to become TKI or TKW, even use illegal methods, so they can work abroad. So this film is different from other love stories," he said.

Another attraction came from newcomer Oni Seroja. Just once playing a film, his appearance as a pimp convinced the audience that the role was destined for him.

WatchingCross The Linetak then makes us depressed. But understanding that life has problems. Angan and reality are not in line.

There is no need to rush to judge other people's decisions because if we become them, we can't necessarily do better. In the Cross The Line, Shenina, Chicco, and Oni played the audience's feelings for laughter, regretted, and then understood their life decisions.

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