JAKARTA - Sad news came from Marsha Aruan. His father passed away on Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 19.45 WIB.

The father named Budi Maruli Aruan died of a heart attack. Currently, his father is still buried at the Tabitha Ukrida Funeral Home, Jakarta.

When asked, Marsha Aruan did not talk much about her father's departure. He also thanked the media crew who came to the funeral home.

"We also don't know the full story. I just want to say thank you to the journalists who have come here," said Marsha Aruan.

"I'm sorry I can't say much. Just ask for prayers for my father so that he can be accepted and also forgive my father if something goes wrong," he said again.

Marsha Aruan rarely looks like her father. He often shows togetherness with his mother, Lisa Diana.

At that moment, the mother was also present at the funeral home. However, both Lisa and Marsha were reluctant to explain the chronology of the death of their father.

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