YOGYAKARTA There are many myths that need to be straightened out by facts, including raising black cats that are shrouded in fire. Not a few people think that black cats are familiar with endings or bad signs when they see each other. But cats with black fur are the most common color.

Black, is actually the most common coat color among cats. They were born naturally because they have genetic hair-forming. Gens in cats form eumelanin, the pigment needed to make black fur dominant in black cats. The black cat fact needs to be understood, that a cat usually gets two copies of the gene, from her mother and father. If one of the genes has a black fur code, then the cat has black fur.

Genetics in cats is more complicated when it comes to measuring the color of the hair. Because each gene can give a different color variation. The color of the hair is as deep as the nature of the black cat, they are more likely to do activities on dark nights because they have a color of the hair is not striking. This is an advantage over black cats. In fact, they can be healthier and may reproduce well.

Cats with black fur, maybe fewer people adopt. Because many people prefer cats with various variants of the coat color. However, there's nothing wrong with adopting and giving love to black cats.

It's important to know, just like humans who are often exposed to the sun and hair become redder. Black cats exposed to the sun also experience the same thing. The color of the fur can be reder or maybe brighter.

The sun can fade pigment from the hair. So that the color of the hair can change, depending on how hot and how long it is exposed to the light. Because the hair is not alive but is a keratin structure, the hair can change after falling out.

Black cats sometimes also have black foot soles. Like colored, or white cats, which have foot soles tend to be reddish. In fact, those black cats can have black mustaches. But it can also change color after falling out. This illustrates the complexity of cat genetics.

The famous black cat, was the first official cat of the White House when George W. Bush took office. This cat is named India, the American Shorthair race and lives until the age of 18. In addition,

Launching PetMD, Wednesday, December 7, the majority of black cats have yellow eye colors. Just like the color of the hair, genetics is responsible for the color of their eyes influenced byeumelanin. Questioning myths about black cats, starting around the Middle Ages. Many black cats became victims of misunderstandings. At that time, many people believed that black cats were related to magic and death. In fact, they are pets like other cats that only have black fur colors.

Due to the myth, the black cat population declined. In addition to being caused by the spread of pes disease in the early 14th century. Misperceptions related to black cats and magic, spread to North America. It surfaced during the Salem trial in the 1960s.

Long before that, in the ancient Egyptian era, black cats were considered to bring good luck. The people of this era considered the black cat Dewi Bastet, who is the goddess of a woman warrior and a protective god and a fertility goddess.

Furthermore, British and Irish sailors in the 19th century believed that black cats were a symbol of luck. They can protect ships from dangerous weather and are adept at killing mice that attack ship cargo.

Despite the myths that developed in society, both in the past and in the present, black cats were formed by the genes of their mothers and fathers. On October 27, or four days before Halloween, was National Black Cat Day and on August 17 was National Black Cat Aperization Day worldwide.

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