Understanding The Importance Of Physical Or Sports Activities For Children And Youth
Illustration of physical activity for children and adolescents (Freepik/Proostoleh)

YOGYAKARTA Not only adults, children and adolescents need to stay active with exercise. Along with the increasing lifestyle of celebrities who live a lot of sitting and not actively moving, it is necessary to understand the importance of physical activity for children and adolescents.

Guidelines from the Department of Health and Human Services reported by the Mayo Clinic, Thursday, December 1, children and adolescents aged 6 years and over need to exercise for at least an hour a day. Children have to do serious activities, such as running or cycling at least three times a week. Why is the duration and weight of exercise needed for children and adolescents?

Launching the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, physical activity in children and adolescents if done regularly can help improve cardiorespiration fitness, build strong bones and muscles, control weight, reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. In addition, reducing the risk of developing a number of health conditions. Such as heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and obesity.

Exercise can actually be done in creative ways. It should be understood, sport does not only jump rope, run, and aerobics. But it can also be done by attending sports classes such as football, badminton, tennis, and basketball. You can also be creative with activities that children like. For example, climbing hills, walking around the park, climbing, dancing, and cycling.

Well, physical inactivity also needs to be recognized. Inactivated bodies can cause energy imbalance. For example, spending less energy but eating a lot, can increase the risk of being overweight. It can even increase the risk of diseases that need treatment for recovery. Such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and low bone density.

In 2017, only 26.1 percent of high school students participated in physical activity for at least 1 hour a week. In fact, at least 1 hour of active activity is needed every day to prevent a decrease in the level of child health.

Sports activities or make the body always active, not only make children and adolescents healthier. But according to research, physically active students tend to have better academic values, rarely permission, and cognitive performance and better classes of behavior. That is, it is very important for your children to carry out physical activities regularly every day. Because exercise is not only beneficial for health, but also gets used to a healthy lifestyle in the future.

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