JAKARTA - Artist Ben Kasyafani has just lost his father who breathed his last on Tuesday, November 29 at 20.25 WIB. Having suffered from kidney failure and routine dialysis in the past year, Ashar Budiman's condition, Ben's father, got worse until he finally died.

Ben Kasyafani's father was buried at the Tanah Kusir Public Cemetery (TPU), South Jakarta on Wednesday, November 30 at 14.00 WIB. In the funeral, Ben was seen accompanied by his younger brother, Faz Fakhiryadi, who had just arrived from Melbourne, Australia and arrived in Jakarta in the morning.

Ben said that he was proud of his younger siblings. Even though they live in Australia, Ben saw that his two younger siblings were still paying attention to his father during his illness. "The problem is that he (Faz) can't go back and forth abroad that easily, right, I'm also proud of the younger siblings there. We are brothers and sisters who take care of our father's parents differently," he said after the funeral at the Tanah Kusir TPU, Wednesday, November 30.

Faz explained that he received news of his father's condition on Tuesday afternoon. "I was informed after waking up, if the father was critical. I immediately looked for a ticket to go home (to Jakarta). Thank God I got the ticket right (Tuesday) last night, (Wednesday) morning until and I can still help bury it," said Faz. But when leaving, I don't know if you're home, "added Ben.

Faz only learned the news of his father's death while he was on the plane. He learned the news from a video call with his brother, Ben.

However, one of the other brothers from Ben Kasyafani reportedly did not have time to see his father for the last time. "One of them didn't get a ticket. There's only one last ticket," said Faz. "We are three brothers, later the woman, God willing, on December 1, can come here," explained Ben.

Furthermore, Ben explained that his younger sister could not go to Jakarta immediately because his younger brother had to take care of the visa first.

Ben Kasyafani and his sister after burying their father (Screenshot of YouTube Paragram Official)

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