JAKARTA - After successfully holding a peak night event on 27 October, the Indonesian Journalist Film Festival (FFWI) held its last meeting on Thursday, 24 November evening. The FFWI XII committee in 2022 was officially declared disbanded according to its tenure, the FFWI committee was formed from March and worked until November 2022.

In addition to the disbandment of the committee, the Gunungan Cup was also handed over to the winners who did not have time to attend the last 2022 FFWI Anugrah Night event.

In the FFWI meeting, Wina Armada Sukardi as Chair of FFWI expressed her support for organizing other film festivals. "The more festivals, the better it will be," said Wina Armada Sukardi in a written statement on Thursday, November 24.

Wina thinks that with the increasing number of film festivals with their own characteristics that are different from one another, the Indonesian film ecosystem will be helped to develop more.

"Thus more testing stones and perspectives, thus helping to understand Indonesian cinema and Indonesian films," he said.

Wina also stated that FFWI also supports the financing of funds from the state for various existing film festivals. However, he reminded that not all festivals should be assisted by funding. Foreign film festivals and exclusive festivals that do not involve the wider community are deemed unnecessary to be provided with funding from the state.

Regarding the implementation in the coming year, FFWI will carry out major changes, both for its events, the judging system and the committee structure. "The plan is for more journalists to be involved as FFWI organizers," said Wina.

The composition of the FFWI 2023 committee will be announced in mid-December 2022 or early January 2023. Meanwhile, for the judging system, senior film and cultural journalists will be asked to be judges.

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