YOGYAKARTA - Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park area is one of the mainstay tourist destinations in East Java Province. Tourist destinations that are visited by many Bromo whispering sand. This tourist spot offers the beauty of the exotic nature that is located in the Mount Bromo caldera.

Whisided sand is the nickname of the area at the top of Mount Bromo which has a wide stretch of deserts. Many visitors come to this place to enjoy the stunning natural scenery. In this place, visitors will usually take pictures of the joy of capturing the moment.

Tourists can also enjoy traveling around Bromo's whispering sand using a Jeep. At tourist sites there are services that offer Jeep tours for visitors. In addition, in the mountainous area, Bromo also offers spots to see the sunrise.

Bidik sand sudah menjadi ikon bagi wisata di Bromo. Berlibur ke Gunung Bromo akan terasa kurang afdol jika tidak set foot ke kawasan sand whispering. Sampai di sana, wisatawan akan mengambilkan momen dengan foto dengan tengam di tengretaan sand dan background gunung Tengger..

The whispering sand area is to the east of the Bromo crater. This place is at an altitude of 2,000 meters above sea level. The sand in this area offers uniqueness and exoticism because it is black.

Meanwhile, the origin of the name of the whispering sand is related to the film directed by Garin Nugroho. In 2001, Garin once made a film called Pasir Kudi. The sea of sand on Mount Bromo is called whispering sand because the wind that blows in this place makes the sound of sand grains seem to be whispering.

The area of whispering sand reaches 5,300 hectares. This place is surrounded by very beautiful canyons and valleys to be used as photo spots.

Tourism Choices on Mount Bromo

Jeep Pasir Tourism Endows Bromo

Tourists can visit the whispering sand area by riding a hood. Tour park managers only apply four-wheeled Jeep vehicles that are allowed to cross this area. Usually, whispering sand is also a package provided by travel agencies for TNBTS tourism.

Visitors don't need to be confused if they don't bring a Jeep when they get to this place. At the location, there are lots of Jeep rentals for tourists. Visitors will be invited around enjoying a stretch of whispering sand by Jeep drivers there. Visitors can also be a Jeep as a photo property to make it more attractive and cool.

Trail Tourism on Bromo Sand

Apart from Jeeps, visitors can also surround the whispering sand area using a trail bike. In this place, trail motorbike rentals are also provided for visitors. This tour offer is perfect for those who like adrenaline.

Visitors can ride a trail motorbike while walking around on a stretch of Bromo sand. The condition of the sand field that is difficult for motorbikes and flying sand is a challenge for visitors.

Equestrian Tourism on Bromo Sand

At the sand tourist spot, Bromo whispered, there was also a horse rental. This tour offer is suitable for those who want to enjoy the view casually and slowly. Visitors can tour the sand by riding a horse and guided by their handlers.

The excitement of riding to explore the area of Bromo's whispering sand is a joy in itself. Visitors can sit on the saddle of the horse calmly because the horse rented is tame and well cared for. Visitors can also take advantage of the horse as a friend to take pictures to make it look more aesthetic.

Bromo Sand Tourism Open Hour

The Bromo whispering sand tourist spot is open to the public for 24 hours. Usually this place is very crowded with tourists at 5 am to watch the golden sunrise. From the mountainous area of Tengger, tourists can see a very beautiful sunrise moment.

In addition, many tourists also came to this place in July and August to see the phenomenon of Bromo ice in the morning. In that month, the temperature in this place can reach -5 degrees Celsius. The cold forms an ice sheet and snow in Bromo up to a thickness of 2 to 3 centimeters.

Bromo Tourism Entrance Ticket Price

Ticket prices to the Bromo tourist area vary according to the day and the citizenship status of visitors. Here are the details of Bromo tour entrance tickets.

Local tourists: Work Day = IDR 29,000. Holiday = IDR 34,000

Foreign Tourists: Work Day= IDR 220,000. Holiday= IDR 320,000

Horse riding: IDR 150,000

Jeep rental: IDR 500,000

Trail Motor Rental: IDR 250,000

That's information about the whispering sand tourism on Mount Bromo and the price of the entrance ticket. Ticket prices can change at any time depending on the policies of the tourism management. For those of you who are looking for vacation destinations, Mount Bromo tourism is the best choice.

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