YOGYAKARTA Accompanying and caring for children during their development is the responsibility of parents. Applying good parenting, fostering the potential of children to be independent, being able to control themselves, working well together, empathizing, honesty, kindness, and joy. The parenting style that carries out the following principles, has proven its positive effects through research.

The first important principle in implementing good parenting, parents need to plan their goals. According to Sternberg as quoted by WebMD, Thursday, November 24, parents need to control the reaction. Do not suddenly react without considering what is to be achieved in implementing parenting patterns. It also illustrates that parents are an example for their children. That is, stay calm in the process of accompanying children and teaching their values.

Panduring children is not a form of love. But parents tend to do so because of guilt or replacing real love by providing relief, low hopes, punishment, or material and property.

Being a parent who is involved in the child's growth process requires hard work. First, you need to reset your priorities. Avoid sacrificing what you want to do with what your child wants to do. In addition, parents need to be physically and physically present in the child's growth process.

Every child has a different character. Therefore, parents need to apply appropriate parenting patterns with their children. One day, they, children, grow up. Also consider how age affects children's behavior. Because intellectual growth is also with age.

Rules are related to regulating behavior. When no rules are set and applied, children will be relaxed about how to manage themselves when they grow up.

If the rules are related to regulating behavior, the boundaries help independent children by developing self-control. This encourages children to be independent in directing and succeeding in life when they are an adult.

Rules and boundaries need to be applied consistently. If the rules vary day by day and in unpredictable ways, children will find it difficult to implement them in everyday life.

Under any circumstances, parents should not hit their children. When they are physically punished, such as being beaten and slapped, they are more prone to imitating these habits. It may even use aggression to resolve disputes with others.

Don't let it go too far or explain it to children and teenagers. So consider how to explain the rules according to their age.

The best way to teach to respect other people is to give respect to children. That is, you have to treat your child politely like treating other people. In addition, respect his opinion, attention when he talks, and treat them well.

Those are the ten principles of parenting that parents need to apply in order to educate their children to be independent, empathetic, and behave well.

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