JAKARTA - The 2022 Indonesian Film Festival (FFI) held its 42nd celebration on Tuesday, November 22, 2022 at the Plenary Hall, Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Senayan. The event was attended by many Indonesian film people.

Indrodjojo Kusumonegoro or Indro Warkop as a senior actor known through the Warkop DKI group was also present at the FFI event. At the red carpet moment of FFI 2022 Indro Warkop expressed his enthusiasm. He considered FFI as an important event for Indonesian film people.

"It's really fun, and this is what I want with film people. I want film people, the pride of film people," said Indro Warkop.

He also highlighted the difference between the implementation of this year's FFI and previous years. Even though he feels the essence of still the same, he revealed that there are differences in the implementation of this year's FFI with previous years.

"It's just the difference in ancient times, this later became a people's party. People's parties really and the pride of an area. For example, we go to Bali, that's the pride of Bali, to Surabaya is the pride of Surabaya. There are processions and parades too," he said.

Although he feels there is a difference with the implementation in previous years, Indro assesses that this year's implementation still carries an Indonesian style. "And this is a very Indonesian style," he concluded.

For information, FFI 2022 carries the theme Women: Citra, Karya, and Karsa. The actresses who attended the celebration were compact wearing kebaya, which is a typical dress for Indonesian women.

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