Monitoring The Wong Sintinx Palace, Ruma Ki Joko Bodo Is Transformed Into A Mosque
Wong Sarjan Palace (IST)

YOGYAKARTA Former psychic Ki Joko Bodo passed away on Tuesday, November 22, 2022. One of the things that is attached and remembered from the figure of Ki Joko Bodo is his magnificent and mystical house. The house, which is located in the Lubang Buaya area, East Jakarta, is named Wong Sintinx Palace

The Wong Sintinx Palace Becomes a Legendary Legacy

You could say, the Wong Sintinx Palace is a very unique residence. How not, the gate is just like the entrance to the temple. In addition, the house, which consists of four floors, is also surrounded by a one meter high wall with a brick red painting.

Built on an area of 2,000 square meters, the Wong Sintinx Palace has four steps to the homepage. The terrace is supported by two poles with a diameter of about two meters with a height of more than seven meters.

On the top is a carving of two dragon snake statues on the left and right. While in the middle, there is an arbitra with wings kicked.

If you look more closely, the ghost statues seem to be looking at the nights of the visiting guests. Therefore, it is not surprising that Ki Joko Bodo's residence is considered to have a strong mystical feel.

The main building of the Wong Sintinx Palace has alia roof and is neatly arranged like a pagoda. Inside the complex there are two temples, namely Meru Temple and Kubra Temple. The two temples are made of merapi mountain rocks.

According to the owner of the real name Agus Yulianto, the temple building in his house was inspired by Bali.

"Ilhamnya dari Bali ya, kalau di Bali kan Candi Meru tingkatnya ada sembilan atau 10, ungkap Ki Joko Bodo dalam sebuah tayangan YouTube yang diunggah dua tahun lalu.

Apart from having a temple, there is also a cave in the Wong Karjan Palace complex which is located 10 meters below the palace.

The house, which is estimated to be around Rp. 20 billion, has been built by Joko Bodo since 1996. Funds to build the Wong Sarjan Palace were taken from Honor that he got when he was a guest star on a private television program.

The Wong Sintinx Palace was transformed into a mosque

The late Wong Sintinx Palace, Ki Joko Bodo, is still standing firmly. However, its function has turned into a mosque.

"I have donated my house to the mosque there, which made the practice (shaman) first," said Ki Joko Bodo in a YouTube show uploaded on October 7, 2018.

It is known, in the final days of his life, Ki Joko Bodo decided to move and leave his profession as a psychic and things related to microscopic.

Before he died, Ki Joko Bodo studied the Islamic knowledge he adhered to, and tried to be diligent in worship.

In fact, just before Ki Joko Bodo breathed his last, he had time to pray.

"I became a witness, that when the call to prayer arrived, the deceased was immediately in the prayer room to perform prayers," said Ki Joko Bodo's colleague, Ki Pranawa Lewu, referring to VOI, Tuesday, November 2022.

This is information about Ki Joko Bodo's Wong way Palace which is now transformed into a mosque.

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