JAKARTA - Melanie Subono produced and released an album dedicated to the heroes of Marsinah. Titled Dia Marsinah, this time, the daughter of music promoter Adrie Soebono invited a number of musicians.

Work is a form of resistance. You especially women, where do you think your menstrual permits, maternity leave, your wages start? Melanie's invitation was uploaded to her personal social media page when she started this project.

This has received great attention and response from artists who have been voicing their anxiety about injustice through musical works.

This great enthusiasm can be seen from hundreds of music artists from all over the country who took part in this movement by sending their best work.

It is not an easy matter in realizing projects like this. Because of the hundreds of works that came in for the curation process, it takes time and extra hard work. After a long process and debate from the team, finally determined the top five works included in the album Dia, Marsinah.

They are Township Relillion (Depok), Irjan (Papua), Pijar Liar (Yogyakarta), Typhoon Tornado and band Esok Pagi from Jakarta.

Melanie emphasized that this is not a commercial project because the results of this movement will be distributed to the Marsinah family. Dia Marsinah's album is already available on various digital music platforms.

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