How To Print Bolak-ball File Word And PDF, This Is What Must Be Checked First
Illustration of print back and forth (Unsplash/Sigmund)

YOGYAKARTA - Print or print documents becomes the needs of students to administrative workers. Students and students are usually asked to print documents to collect assignments. So often, spending on printing tasks is quite draining your pocket.

It looks like the print fee is quite cheap, but if it is done it repeats itself and the documents are thick, it will be wasteful. Print back and forth (duplex print) is a solution to drain expenses. By choosing to print back and forth, the costs incurred are not as much as usual because the required paper is also less.

Print back and forth is a type of printer print whose print is worn on both sides of the paper (front and back). Sprints back and forth are generally used to print books, journals, buckets, magazines, and leaflets or other documents.

The process of printing documents is done by connecting a computer device with a printing machine. Therefore, you need to make sure the printer used can print back and forth automatically or not. The checking process can be done in the Microsoft Word feature menu.

There are two options for printing back and forth via Microsoft Word, namely automatic and manual print.

To print back and forth muscleally, you first make sure to check the printer used first whether it has a duplex printing feature. Here's a step to check it.

The next step is to start printing documents:

Print back and forth is done manually if the printer does not support the duplex printing feature. The trick is to print odd and even pages separately. Follow these steps:

Print back and forth can also be done to print Adobe Reader or PDF files. There are two ways to print back and forth, namely automatically and manually the same as print Word files.

Here are the steps to automatically print PDF files:

Here are the steps to print back and forth PDF files manually:

That's how to print back and forth to print documents or college assignments. Print back and forth can be applied to Word files or PDFs in two ways, namely automatic and manual. If you want to be easier, choose an automatic way with a printer note supporting the duplex printing feature.

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