Cumulak For Asam Lambung Rises, Is It Effective To Treat?
Illustration of temulawak for acid reflux (Freepik/jicestocker)

YOGYAKARTA The cumulak plant is a cyclic plant with the scientific name Curcuma Xantorrhiza is researched and proven to be herbal medicine or alternative medicine to treat stomach acid. But is rekanabicism effective in curing stomach acid?

Telulawak, in general, is beneficial for health. Reported by the Aesophageal and Gastric Cancer Support page, Thursday, November 17, TEMlawak contains curcumins that have strong antiviral, anti-bacterial, and anti-cancer properties. In fact, the temlawak, which is still in the same family as the turmeric, is rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds.

In traditional medicines in China and Ayurveda, temulanwak is used to relieve joint inflammation and improve the menstrual cycle. It is also used to balance the digestive system and liver function. Currently, temulanwak is recognized as an alternative therapy for ulcers, inflammation, and stomach acid.

Citing the results of a study published in the Diponegoro Medical Journal, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University in 2019, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity in temulak was influenced by flavonoid, phenol, and kurmin compounds. The cumulator in this study has the potential to be a gastroductor. In certain doses, temulanak can correct stomach damage due to acid eroded acid. Although this study was carried out on injection or animal experiments in the laboratory, the potential benefits of temlawak for stomach acid are not trivial.

For stomach acid to rise and be treated with temulawak, it is actually proof of anecdotes which some clinical trials require. Even so, temulanwak has been used for thousands of years to deal with acid reflux and other stomach problems related to digestion.

The number of studies explored the efficacy of Curcuma Xantorrhiza, but did not focus on dealing with stomach acid. Combution acid, or acid reflux and gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) are caused by inflammatory and oxidative stress. From these studies, GERD can be treated with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Many studies in 2019 have proven that the content of kurcumin can be useful for overcoming problems in the digestive tract. Curculins can protect the intestines from damage, including from bacterial attacks, boils, and killing intestinal cancer cells. Well, after knowing the benefits of temulawak, do you know how to make temuplanak herbal medicine for stomach acid?

How to process turmeric and ginger for stomach acid, is basically the same. Namely by using cympang powder or brewed with two to three RIPang temulawak segments with hot water so that it becomes tea. If you don't like the bitter taste, you can mix it in dishes, such as curry or sugary.

It should be noted, come on is a natural blood dilution, so it should not be used at the same time as blood dilution medication. For diabetics, they should not use this orange RImpang root because it can cause your blood sugar to reach a very low level.

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