JAKARTA - Consumption of excessive sweet foods and choosing inappropriate snacks including eating patterns is not good, is the cause of people suffering from diabetes. However, high blood sugar is not only caused by the consumption of foods made of sugar but also carbohydrates that are simple or easily broken into sugars such as rice, bread and noodles.

"The cause of people suffering from diabetes can be due to hereditary or genetic factors, but more than 80 percent of diabetes, especially those called type 2, is due to a decent lifestyle or rarely physical activity," explained Medical Affairs Kalbe Nutritionals, dr. Adeline Devita quoted from ANTARA, Tuesday, November 15.

Diabetes not only attacks people over 40 years of age, but can occur in people aged 25-30 years. Classical symptoms of diabetes in general are often feeling hungry, thirst, and urinating at night.

"Most eat, but the longer the weight decreases because the nutrients in the food ingredients cannot be absorbed by the body, so there is no discrimination on the cells in the body. Other symptoms, fatigue, weakness, sleepiness," said Adeline.

In severe symptoms, namely if there is a wound, especially on the leg, it will take a long time to recover and the risk of quickly becoming ulcers can even be amputated.

Therefore, people over 25 years of age need to routinely carry out health checks, including examining blood sugar to detect early if blood sugar levels are not within normal limits. This is done especially if you have a family history of diabetes.

Adeline reminded that untreated diabetes will cause complications in blood vessels, because high blood sugar damages the walls of blood vessels, resulting in heart disease, stroke, kidney, nerve, or eye.

Diabetes cannot be cured, but diabetics can live actively and productively if blood sugar levels are controlled. Changes in a healthy lifestyle need to be done including the consumption of food ingredients according to the needs of each body.

"Eating pattern must be balanced nutrition, there is a composition of slow loose complex carbohydrates, sufficient protein, high fiber, paying attention to good sources of fat, as well as vitamins and minerals to complement daily nutrition," said Adeline.

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