YOGYAKARTA HDL (High-density Lipoprotein) or known for good cholesterol, unlike LDL (Low-density Lipoporetein) which can cause blood vessel barrier plaques and increase the risk of having a heart attack and stroke. Collesterol is a good sign that the body works well, provided the levels are higher than bad cholesterol or LDL.

According to Robert Roston, MD., director of cardiometabolic disorders at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, to maintain your health, you have to lower LDL and increase HDL. Research has shown that HDL levels are associated with reduced risk of heart attacks and strokes. So that many drugs are developed to increase HDL levels, although not significant.

Rosson explained, People with high HDL cholesterol levels are those who are physically fit, not overweight, less likely to suffer from diabetes, and are more likely to drink alcohol in small to moderate amounts.

Apart from being related to genetic history, if you are living a healthy lifestyle, you will tend to have higher HDL levels. For this reason, increasing HDL so that the body is healthier can apply the following method.

Regular exercise is generally understood as a way to live a healthy life. Additional benefits of sweating routine activities can increase HDL levels. This was evidenced in a small study reported by Well+Good, Tuesday, November 15. The study shows that 58 participants, men with overweight, experienced a more significant HDL increase after a 50-minute exercise three times a week over a period of 3 months.

In preventing heart disease, olive oil can be another alternative oil substitute. A 2017 study, found that people who undergo a Mediterranean diet rich in olive oil have better HDL functions than people who eat rich in nuts.

Doctor Rosson suggests that you can consume fats from either salmon, Mackerel, or herring fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

A number of studies show that for HDL with good levels, reduce carbohydrate consumption and high fat. So, eat foods with unsaturated fat content and less than 50 grams of carbohydrates to increase HDL levels.

According to doctor Roston's explanation, cholesterol levels in people smoke are lower than those without smoking. You can include this as one of the reasons to quit smoking. Roston added, another 60 days of quitting a person can increase HDL levels to a level before they start smoking.

Green leafy fruits and vegetables are the best source of antioxidant foods. In addition to influencing HDL levels, antioxidant foods also nourish the heart. Antioxidants can minimize the buildup of LDL plaques in the arteries due to the oxidation process.

Dr. Roston added that the LDL ratio to HDL is not enough at that rate itself. Just because someone has a high HDL rate it doesn't mean that they have a lower risk of heart attack if they also have a high LDL.

For those of you who are healthy and aged over 18 years, you must undergo cholesterol tests every five years. If you have a family history of high cholesterol, have diabetes or kidney disease, or have experienced cardiovascular events such as heart attacks, Doctor Rosnoson recommends routine health checks to doctors.

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