JAKARTA - Ratu Dansa, the latest film in Online Cinema is ready to air on December 16. This film stars Marsha Aruan (Hira), Shari Karamoy (Hana), Debo Andyros (Bram), Nicho Bryant (Dito), Sandy Pradana (Akbar), and Dennis Adhiswara (Ha Hana's father).

Ratu Dansa tells the story of two women, namely Hira and Hana. Both are young girls who live in different eras, in 2022 and in 1995.

As young people of their respective eras, Hira and Hana are two women who are both looking for happiness. The magic of a falling star brought Hira to be present in Hana's life.

This film is interesting and unique, about the journey of two women who are both looking for happiness. The magic and time travel will be an important part of this film. Wrapped in the theme of high school romance, this film is something new, which has never existed in Online Cinemas," said Bonifacius Soemarmo, VP Growth & Marketing of Digital Business Visinema in a release received Monday, November 14.

Sunu Prastowo as the director said that the film Ratu Dansa came with a belief in a miracle. The uniqueness of the character in undergoing a time travel is believed to provide a different experience for the audience.

The high school romance genre that presents an unusual relationship between a mother and her child will also add to the uniqueness of the film Ratu Dansa.

Online Cinemas via the TikTok platform have also released the first look video of Ratu Dansa on Friday, November 11, which shows the two characters played by Marsha Aruan and

The video clearly shows the difference in times between the two characters. On the one hand, a woman is still listening to music with radio tapes, while other women are already holding gadgets. Ratu Dansa's film can be accessed on December 16 through the cinemaonline website.

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