JAKARTA - The public needs to be aware of heart failure if they experience shortness of breath and are easily tired when carrying out mild activities. Cardiovascular Consultant Internal Medicine, RSCM Birry, said that shortness of breath with complaints of fatigue is a characteristic symptom of heart failure. "The symptoms that patients complain about the most are shortness of breath or intolerance in activities that are carried out or easily tired and easily tired," he said, quoted from ANTARA, Wednesday, November 9. A breather with complaints is easily tired because the heart is not strong enough to pump blood to meet the needs of the network so that the heart works even harder just to meet its needs.

"This makes the heart burden even heavier and of course will issue some very distinctive complaints for patients with heart failure," he said.

"This heart gap is indeed a problem that affects the quality of life so that many patients experience limited activity because they complain that they are easily tired or easily tired or decreased tolerance for an action or activity," he said. However, he continued, shortness of breath can also be caused by other organ activities that can provide clinical appearance or initial perceptions such as heart failure.

Some of them are shortness of breath due to lung problems, stomach acid, gerrd and other causes. Therefore, shortness of breath becomes an entry point for doctors to determine whether patients are short of breath due to heart failure or other factors.

"It must be treated appropriately. Do not let us provide wrong treatment or education because it turns out that the patient did not fail the heart or heart but we see different things. Or vice versa, not realizing that it was heart failure," he said.

Regarding the cause of heart failure, Birry said that 80 percent of the causes of heart failure were▁dalamnyatic heart disease caused by previously uncontrolled metabolic problems.

These metabolic problems can be in the form of diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and other causes that cause narrowing of blood vessels and become controls.

Another cause is genetic factors in the form of heart pump damage which makes the heart swollen or the size of the leaves. In addition to the result of COVID-19 infection, and hypertensive heart disease.

"So if you ask the causes, there are only the most causes because of the narrowing," he said.

Therefore, Birry invites the public to control all risk factors that can cause heart failure.

He asked the public to be aware of diabetes, high cholesterol levels and stay away from smoking.

Then, pay attention to adequate rest, pay attention to balanced nutrition by maintaining a diet that fills vegetables to protein, limiting salt, and doing physical activities regularly.

Meanwhile, those who have already been diagnosed with heart failure, recognize the symptoms of heart failure and do not delay checking themselves due to neglect of the health condition of themselves or their families, especially if they have experienced shortness of breath.

Don't forget to take regular medication because medicines are programmed by doctors, the goal is to control symptoms. Do not let parents who suffer from heart disease have to be hospitalized repeatedly. Third, limit fluids and limit salt to avoid excess fluids, "explained Birry.

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