YOGYAKARTA Everyone learns how to establish good communication. When communicating with a partner, the capital is not only love. Even with love, everyone has also made mistakes. Errors in the context of communication in a romantic relationship, need to be corrected immediately so as not to hurt each other or trigger bigger problems.

What are the errors in communicating with a partner that need to be recognized immediately and discussed how to fix it? Come on, follow the list below.

Many couples do their daily activities without communicating with each other. Awakening from sleep, bathing, breakfast, going home to work, going home, having dinner, watching television, putting children to sleep, and sleeping. This monotonous activity over and over for days or even months. Of course this is not fun, even not being aware of each other's presence. This habit makes every person from a partner not know each other. Couples who do not communicate enough, can make you feel lonely. This means that communication patterns need to be realized immediately and can both improve themselves.

Avoiding the problems we have with your partner, may be one of the reasons for not communicating with him. Maybe you upset your partner so they don't say anything and pull away. This can build a high wall and the relationship between partners is getting further apart. So, avoid making mistakes in communicating because just to avoid problems. Try to work together to solve problems through healthy communication.

Before the sentence is finished, avoid replying to it. Even in a high tone, it can heat up the atmosphere. Maybe you feel bored or not interested in the topic of conversation, but you and your partner need to respect each other. So, try to learn to be a good listener.

As stated in the opening paragraph, everyone makes mistakes. Acknowledging mistakes is a wise behavior. But the mistake of understanding because it is burdensome to assumptions, of course, will cause new problems in a partner to communicate. So, try to understand what your partner means. If you don't understand enough, you can ask questions or share understandings.

Maintaining arguments is not about who wins and loses. Equitting different arguments, the goal is to find the best. But often arguing just wants to win or feel the most right. In fact, because they are both bound in commitment, shouldn't they not compete about who is right or wrong?

Errors in communicating with the partner mentioned above are important to identify. If you have experienced it, you and your partner can talk privately to find ways to communicate healthier.

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