YOGYAKARTA In life, feeling sad and unhappy occasionally is not a big problem. But when it is often sad and does not enjoy pleasure, one will not find satisfaction in life. As a way to restore the pleasure of life, professors of psychology and brain science provide tips.

To achieve a positive life, one needs to work on something. Maybe you feel sad and unhappy for not putting your efforts into getting a gift. In everyday situations, efforts are also needed to achieve certain rewards. Maybe you think it's too complicated to give yourself a gift by watching a favorite band concert. But there's nothing wrong with doing it one by one. It could also replace easy awards but worth the same.

When friends invite parties, you may not come. Just imagine how awkward the party atmosphere is or don't have the clothes you like. Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Ph.D., professor of emeritus Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, try to reduce the barriers you feel to achieve positive results. Prepare clothes all the way and imagine who was at the party. Project how happy you are to feel around them.

Launching Psychology Today, Friday, October 21, someone who needs help enjoying a good moment in psychology is called anhedonia. They always feel sad and depressed. To prevent them from being trapped in continuous and unhappy sadness, try to enjoy every happy moment.

If the goal is to get a prize, there are prizes that can be obtained immediately. But there are also gifts that are obtained through a long process and need patience in achieving them. In this case, patience can be a virtue when you learn to enjoy life.

When you overcome doubts with new experiences and positive potential, how much appreciation will be seen soon. In addition, look for new friends and develop relationships over time.

In short, enjoying a good one can help you rebuild feelings of joy. It also builds a feeling of satisfaction that can be projected for the future.

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