JAKARTA - Acne scars can not only be removed overnight. It takes patience and accuracy to be able to remove acne scars from the face. In addition to using special skincare products and doing beauty treatments to minimize acne scars. It would be nice if you prevented the appearance of the acne scars. Yes, the appearance of acne and the scars can be prevented easily. Provided, you need to be diligent in practicing it at home. Launching Sublimlife, Friday, October 21, here are tips for dealing with acne and used.

The use of sunscreen is not only recommended by beauty experts but also by dermatologists. The reason is, sunscreen can help maintain skin health. This skincare product can reduce the risk of skin exposure to harmful UV rays. In addition, sunscreen is also able to prevent the emergence of black spots and hyperpigmentation.

Looking at acne can't be ignored. But you need to avoid it because if done incorrectly it can increase the risk of scar tissue infection. If scar tissue is damaged, it's likely that the skin barrier doesn't work optimally, triggering inflammation and making acne recover longer. Often sneering acne can also cause bacteria to spread into the pores and hair follicles, allowing more acne to appear.

Never brush your face too hard when cleaning your face with a cleaning product or during exfoliation. It is also recommended not to use skincare products with strong chemicals to get rid of acne scars. Because this can cause redness, itching, and skin inflammation. Always use light products and gentle movements when cleaning your face.

Ancient Chinese techniques such as shas caves and face rollers not only restore energy to the skin and increase lymphatic drainage, but also nourish the skin from within. These two tools help remove harmful toxins, calm inflammation, and regenerate skin tissue.

Water plays an important role in preventing acne and used. You need to drink water to hydrate your skin from the inside to avoid excess oil production. That can clog the pores and cause acne and scars.

Even though you hope that acne scars can disappear quickly, still patiently waiting for the acne to roll out gradually is the best choice. Always remember, with proper care, routine, and effective treatment, acne scars can be treated.

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