YOGYAKARTA The benefits of old coconut water cannot be underestimated. The benefits are even less than young coconut water. Some people use coconut water to overcome body health problems.

Young coconuts and old coconuts have differences in the thickness of the meat and the water content. Young coconuts have thinner, softer meat, and their color is close to clear white. While the old coconut has thicker and harder meat.

The water content in young and old coconuts is also different. Usually there is less water in young coconuts, while in old coconuts it is less and tastes more concentrated.

Old coconuts are usually only used on a limited basis by taking meat that has been hardened to be processed into coconut milk. While the water is thrown away just like that. Whereas the nutritional and nutritional content in old coconut water has many benefits.

Quoted from Alodokter, the nutritional content in old or young coconut water is actually the same, one of which is that they both have amino acids. In addition, there are various minerals such as sodium, selenium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc. This content will help you maintain the health of the body. While the benefits of old coconut water are as follows.

Quoted from the Mayo Clinic, old coconut water can be used to maintain heart health so that the risk of heart disease can be smaller.

Coconut water contains potassium that is high but low in sodium. Consumption of old kalapa water can help lower high blood pressure naturally.

The magnesium, potassium, manganese, and vitamin C content in coconut water can help you reduce blood sugar by increasing insulin sensitivity.

As in young coconuts, old coconut water is also able to help restore body fluids. Consumption of old coconut water is also safer for diabetics because of low sugar. Quoted from Katadata, the Center for Plantation Research and Development revealed that old coconut water contains sugar (glucose, sucrose, and fruktosa) by 3 percent, while in young coconuts it contains 5.1 percent.

Old coconut water contains many nutrients and vitamins ranging from riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, pyridoxine, and folate. Coconut water is also antiviral and anti-bacterial, so it can help maintain the body's resistance.

Coconut water also has antioxidants. This content will help you ward off free radicals and protect cells in the body.

Young coconut water is also able to maintain digestive tract to make it healthier. This happens because of the nature of coconut water that is anti-viral and anti-bacterial, so that it is able to clean the digestive tract properly.

Headaches can be triggered by many things, one of which is dehydration. When you experience these conditions it is highly recommended to consume coconut water both old and young coconuts. Coconut water will help overcome dehydration and relieve headaches.

Many foods can trigger stomach pain ranging from spicy food to less sterile food. When you experience this, try to eat old coconut water to neutralize the toxins in the stomach.

That's information related to the benefits of old coconut water. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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