JAKARTA - Child psychologist, Rose Mini Agoes Salim said, stimulation of children by playing outdoors is very good and important for their development.

"If it's outside it will be more flexible for him to play, and the stimulation of playing in nature is very good and important," she said, quoted from Antara, Sunday, October 16.

When playing outside, said Rose, children will run more freely and there will be no space restrictions.

Children will know about soil, animals and plants if they come into contact with nature, which will later become concrete information or insights for them.

Apart from that, playing ball, playing hide-and-seek and farming can also be done by parents to stimulate children when playing outside so that their potential can be actualized.

"The rules of playing hide and seek, no peeking, can really stimulate children. Then, planting crops, paying attention to the way the animals walk are all stimulation that can be done while playing," said Rose.

Still Rose said, if children really play, there is no burden, then children will not be stressed and depressed.

"Playing is an activity that is carried out by children very willingly and without burden. Therefore, if playing is done with a burden like a task, the child is no longer playing," said Rose.

She said that if children choose their own toys and there are no demands, it will be mentally healthy.

The demands that are usually given in the hope that the child will get better, will actually make him uncomfortable.

"When the child is not comfortable with the situation, he may be mentally unwell. Therefore, let the child be himself, it will be much better," concluded Rose.

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