YOGYAKARTA Acne on the cheek is one type of acne that is difficult to treat. The reason is, based on the known characteristics of nodules acne, it grows deeper under the skin and densely at the top. So can this type of acne be prevented? Here, a complete explanation of nodular acne according to a board-certified dermatologist.

Nodules are completely under the skin. According to Jodi Waldorf, MD., a board-based board-certified dermatologist in New York, acne is important for proper treatment and treatment.

Nodular acne, another nickname for nodul acne, is the form of severe acne where clogged pores develop into lumps that are entirely below the skin. Because it is located in the skin, nerves collect there. So that often these acne will feel pain and swelling.

The color of acne is almost the same as the skin, but they are inflamed and red. As a result, the immune system tries to 'break' inflammation. Besides feeling painful, according to dermatologist Morgan Rabach reported by Byrdie, Wednesday, October 12, nodules also change and damage collagen. After recovering, the acne scars will leave the curves.

The cause of acne of nodules cannot be ascertained. However, jaly Klein, a Connecticut-based dermatologist, explained the following is the general cause.

If your parents experience it, it cannot be denied that you may also experience nodules. This means that nodules can be caused by a family history that brings the body's natural character.

Nodules can be experienced when too many sebum clogs of pores. This creates an ideal place for bacteria to infect. The effect is that the body responds by creating pus to overcome infection.

The third cause of acne of nodules is dead skin cells that accumulate in the pores. They mix with sebum and bectheria, causing nodules to get infected.

P. Acnes bacteria will cause acne. When these bacteria are in the pores, closed and clogged, no doubt none will grow.

Hormone levels can also trigger acne on the cheeks. Hormon fluctuations can trigger acne. But the most significant is the changes to the hormone androgen, or the 'pria' hormone, which contributes to forming nodules.

Hormon androgen is related to the production of sebaceous oil glands. In turn, it can accumulate oil on the pores and contribute to causing acne under the skin.

To treat nodul acne, it is necessary to follow it by keeping the hormone level balanced. So that the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands remains under control. Well, to treat it, you need to consult a dermatologist. The reason is, overcoming severe acne makes it all wrong. If crushed, it can trigger infection, if treated with acne medication that is sold freely, it does not guarantee a reduction in acne nodules on the cheeks.

Doctor Rabach said acne of nodules requires oral medication or medication to be taken. That is, it is more effective to meet a dermatologist instead of self-medicating.

Some types of topical drugs or oles, said Rabach, can reduce pigmentation and scar tissue. The type of drug, generally contains retinol, salicylic acid, and benzoyl peroxide. Well, to get a cure with the right formula to treat nodules on the cheeks, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist.

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