YOGYAKARTA Anxiety affects many things in the body, including heart rate, metabolism, to focus on the mind. If not treated effectively, anxiety can be annoying. In fact, it is difficult for a person to become more creative because they are often attacked by anxiety.

Anxiety is also related to emotional intelligence, according to Emma totalälä, Ph.D., a lecturer at the Yale School of Management reported by Psychology Today, Monday, October 10. Because when you experience anxiety, it will be difficult for someone to relate to others. They will lose compositeness, and even be easily disturbed by a little voice from their co-workers. Worse yet, anxiety can also affect a romantic relationship.

So what can be done to deal with anxiety? There are many ways that can be taken, including mindfulness practices with meditation and yoga. However, based on research results, the respiratory protocol called SKYomath Meditation. SKY is an acronym for Sudarshan Craft, which by▁negeriälä and its research team can help normalize veterans' anxiety within a week. This study was applied in easing the anxiety of veterans who experienced post-traumatic stress after returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Through his research, encryptälälä proved that SKYomath Meditation lowers levels of anxiety and mental improvements that last longer.

SKY fine editing is a comprehensive series of breathing exercises. This exercise is taught in online or face-to-face workshops. How can breathing exercises work effectively to overcome anxiety?

Inhalation is connected to the nervous system. By changing your breathing rhythm, you can calm yourself down in a matter of minutes. When inhaling, the heartbeat and blood pressure will increase. Whereas when exhaling, the heartbeat and blood pressure decrease. Recommendation to cope with anxiety, try to extend the rhythm of the breath. You can start taking advantage of the rest and digestion nervous system. When doing so, you will be more relaxed.

In addition to breathing exercises, research also shows that emotions are related to breathing patterns and you can change your feelings with your breath. So, if you're feeling anxious or angry, your breath will be shallower and faster. Well, to calm it down, try to breathe with a slower and deeper rhythm.

Launching the recommendation of Alice Boyes, Ph.D., breathing techniques to deal with anxiety don't need to be complicated.warm slowly and focus on exhaling. The natural inhale will lengthen when the breath comes out longer. More importantly, try to make your breath come out slowly, steady, and gently.

Another technique, cover one nostril and place the index finger between the two eyebrows. Cover the nose with the thumb and ring finger alternately and follow rhythm. When taking a breath with the left nostrils, exhale with the right nostrils.

Effectively and quickly, the method above is breathing exercises to help overcome anxiety. This technique can be done anytime or anywhere when the heartbeat begins to palpitate due to anxiety.

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