The Diet Expert Says, Here Are 5 Food Notes That You Are Healthy
Illustration of a healthy diet (Freepik)

YOGYAKARTA Health needs to be maintained especially when the season changes. When the season changes, the virus will also attack more. To be aware of the body staying healthy, diets or diets need to be maintained.

There are so many diet tips that you can follow. But not everyone can show positive changes to your health. According to Theresa Gentile, MS., RDN., CDN., spokesman for the Academy of Nutrition and Diettics, most people who eat with a balanced diet, and include a variety of nutritious foods, meaning that there is no need to worry about lack of nutrition. That is, here are signs of a healthy diet that you are living.

Skin hair can be a sign of health and vitality for a reason. If your hair is shiny and looks beautiful, you may have fed it well on a healthy diet. Hair running low or gray before time, sometimes a sign of vitamin deficiency.

According to 2018 dermatology research, hair loss between 50-100 strands every day is normal. But if you fall out a lot, then it's time to evaluate the diet you've been on.

The body processes the food consumed into energy. Meanwhile, if we are a little tired almost every day, a 2020 study shows that the energy source is insufficient. If you experience extraordinary fatigue, it is recommended to consult your doctor.

To see the results of the diet that you have undergone, you can see the condition of your nails. If the nails are smooth and strong, they show good nutrition. While nails with protrusions or curves in the shape of a spoon, or nails are easily cracked, you may lack iron and vitamin B.

Memars are the body's response when experiencing trauma or impact. In some cases, bruises do not explain why, sometimes just because they are tired. Commerce also marks that the body needs vitamin C and vitamin K to heal wounds or blood clots. If you don't experience bruises for no reason, it means that the need for body restoration has been fulfilled through the diet menu you are taking.

Some vitamins and minerals play a role in closing and curing wounds or scratches. With bandages to prevent infection, a small wound will heal within about a week. If the wound seems to heal quickly, your body may be healthy.

You should know, enough nutrition cannot stop the virus from entering your body, reported by The Health, Friday, October 7. But some vitamins and minerals help support immune function so that they can fight viruses, such as flu.

In addition, the signs of a healthy diet are when you feel quite good. Like there is no drastic energy change, this means the body condition is good.

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