YOGYAKARTA black spots on the legs, often appear after shaving. Many people experience it and look for ways to remove spots called strawberries. strawberry feet are caused by clogged pores and can be prevented or treated.

According to dermatologist Matthew Janik, MD. Reported by Cleveland Clinic, Wednesday, October 5, these dark spots are like the surface of a strawberries. You can remove these strawberries by doing some simple steps at home.

Strawberries are experienced when pores are clogged with dirt, dead skin cells, bacteria, or oil. The spots don't feel itchy or painful. But the more undertones of light or brighter skin, the more spots they are seen. How to remove strawberryjug or dark spots on the feet after shaving, you can take the following steps.

Using a cream when shaving can maintain skin moisture. In addition, wearing a sharper razor also reduces the risk of strawberry break. Try to shave in the same direction as hair growth to prevent a razor lump.

After shaving, rinse the razor and make sure to change the razor after use at least six times. Doctor Janik advises, store the razor in a cool and dry place so that bacteria cannot grow on it.

Sincere and soft skin is favored by almost everyone, but also keeps strawberries' feet from dry. To help lift or fade spots, you can exfoliate using a loofah. After exfoliating, make sure to regularly use moisturizers.

Epilators are personal care devices to remove hair from the roots. It's like waxing, but it can cause thin scratches on the skin. Epilators also act like tweezers lifting their spots. This means it will hurt a little when cleaning the spots.

Eliminating hair on the legs can be done by shaving and waxing. Doctor Janik says there are other ways for hair removal, namely with electrolysis and with lasers. Electronics use low-electric currents to remove hair. This technique usually has no side effects.

While hair removal with laser to remove hair with about two to six sessions. Side effects may have burns and skin tone changes. Both ways are expensive, but permanent.

In some cases, dermatologists recommend removing chemicals or drugs to remove dead skin cells. This therapy can help treat or prevent strawberries without risk of irritation. This therapy is done with skincare that contains alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA), beta-hydroxy acid (BHA), salicylic acid, glycolic acid, and retinoids.

But said Janik, skincare products with a content above are sensitive to sunlight. So, make sure to use sunscreen when leaving the house.

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