JAKARTA - The lack of vitamin D or deficiency is often not realized by the public because the complaints felt are very mild or not at all even though the characteristics can be felt every day. dr. Adam Prabata, general practitioner and PhD candidate in medical science said that many factors cause a person to lack vitamin D, namely physiological, such as age and health conditions, do not receive adequate sun exposure, dress habits, use sunscreen, lifestyle to lack nutritious food intake.

"The lack of vitamin D is experienced by many people but is not realized because the complaints are very mild. However, our bodies can show some symptoms if we experience vitamin D deficiency," said dr. Adam launched ANTARA.

The first common symptom of a person who lacks vitamin D is the low durability of the body so that we are more sick or infected. Vitamin D plays an important role in immunity, especially for upper respiratory tract infections such as coughs and colds. Vitamin D can play a role in preventing too often from occurring.

Lack of vitamin D can also be characterized by frequent feeling of fatigue and declining sleep quality. Poor sleep quality will make a person feel tired and sore.

"The lack of vitamin D can affect the quality of sleep, if the quality of sleep is not good when undergoing days it feels more tired," said dr. Adam.

Pain in the bones and muscles is one of the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. Generally people will experience pain in the spine or back that is easily sore, especially those over the age of 30.

"People who lack vitamin D will more often experience chronic and prolonged spinal pain and frequent muscle aches or aches throughout the body, if adults will feel more in the area of the hands, feet or back," he said.

The last symptom of vitamin D deficiency is the healing of old wounds. According to dr. Adam, vitamin D plays an important role in the wound healing process, especially when inflammatory. If the body lacks vitamin D, it will potentially interfere with the wound healing process from early to late stages when the skin is only bent.

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