JAKARTA - The iconic Avatar film to the cinema screen has been back since September 23, 2022. The film was first screened 13 years ago. The replay with the 4K version is intended to welcome Avatar: The Way of Water in December, 20th Century Studio.

In 2009, James Cameron introduced a truly new and amazing world called Pandora. Avatars are seen as unique and daring films, not only from the side of the story, but also from technologies specifically created for this film.

Different from other alien films that use makeup and special effects for actors transforming into humanoid races, this film uses the front technology of its time.

Before watching the Avatar: The Way of Water, fans can relive the original Avatar with version 4K High Dynamic Range in theaters. The film also gives new fans the opportunity to get to know their stories and characters. The storyline

The Avatar tells the story of Jake Tampus's struggle to save an alien planet called Pandora which he considers home.

Set in 2154, where Earth has been experiencing an energy crisis, an organization called Resources Development Administration (RDA) has been mining rare minerals on the planet Pandora for three decades.

Because the atmosphere in Pandora is toxic, the organization's scientists created an Avatar program, where humans become "drivers" with their consciousness connected to a remotely controlled biological body that can survive in the deadly air of the planet Pandora.

These avatars are the result of genetic engineering of human DNA and the native of Pandora, the Na'Vi alien race.

Jake, who initially served as a negotiator and a spy, instead sided with the Na'Vi tribe. Especially when he met Neytiri. He felt the Na'Vi were a very good pure breed.

The chaos began when RDA was determined to exploit and destroy the Na'Vi ancestral house that had existed since 10,000 years ago. Jake began to be indecisive between choosing his job or defending the Na'Vi tribe.


Jake control, a former marine soldier is played by Sam Worthington. Jake's legs were paralyzed so he had to use a wheelchair. In Pandora, Jake is like getting back his lost life with his new Avatar body. He can perform various new adventures taught by the Na'Vi tribe.

Neytiri is played by Zoe Zaldana as the daughter of the Na'Vi head. She saved Jake and taught him various things and ways of living the Na'Vi tribe. Neytiri finally fell in love and fought to protect the Soul Tree from the RDA attack.

Colonel Quaritch is played by Stephen Lang as the head of the RDA forces who do not know mercy. He can do whatever he wants to achieve.

To launch the action, Jake is also assisted by good RDA people such as Doctor Grace (Sigourney resulting),ā–gagasan Spellman (Joel David Moore), and banch Chacon (Michelle Rodriguez), a fighter aircraft pilot.

The latest technology in its time

Cameron uses motion graphic technology and image-based facial performance capture, where actors use tools and cameras in their bodies to capture emotions and expressions, which will later go through the digitalization process and be displayed through the character of the Na'Vi nation.

The element of technology in this Avatar film has had a major influence on the film industry years later. The technology that Cameron used in 2009 is still very comfortable to watch today.

Through these epic works, Avatar pocketed a number of Oscars, namely Best Film, Best Cinematography, Production Design, and Visual Effects. In addition, this film also received the Golden Globes Cup in the Best Drama Film category.

The presence of Avatars in theaters is expected to be able to revive the fan's memory in the fun story of the Pandora people and become a new favorite film for young audiences. At the end of the film there is also an Avatar snippet: The Way of Water that will lead fans on new adventures.

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