YOGYAKARTA Body language is non-verbal communication that without realizing it can affect other people. Either through a glimpse or a specific movement it actually affects the mind even though sometimes you don't realize it at all. Have you ever seen or done these six body languages?

When the eyebrows are lifted as if they are saying 'hai'. If you raise your eyebrows to someone else, they may think when they know you.

When a person is attracted to something, whether a loved one or a specific object, the pupil tends to widen. This is a very subtle non-verbal ocular signal that it may not be detected. But research has shown that if people show photos of someone who is attractive, they will smile with their eyes wide. This indicates that the person in the photo is interesting.

Called a persuasive movement, when the hand moves when speaking, it is considered positive for those who see it. This positive response and assumption is proven in research, reported by Psychology Today.

Body language hints at closeness, including eye contact, body leaning towards close people, and signaling at them when speaking. A few decades of research exploring body language shows that this closeness signal creates positive and highly important feelings for quality intimate relationships.

Such as shaking hands, tapping your back, and gently touching is a movement designed to build a connection. This touch shape is often used in the expression of giving greetings. But a smooth touch, it can also mark being seductive. For example, stroking gently, touching the lulut, sitting together.

Not only head movements, free speech, and fast without making mistakes, is a signal that a person seems trusted or honest. There is even the assumption that someone does it because it is friendly and fun.

In addition to the head movement, positive facial expressions also show honesty. What are the positive facial expressions? Among them are smiling and wide eyes open.

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