JAKARTA - The film Contagion, which was released in 2011, has become a public topic of conversation since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. The similarity in the story made this film again watched by many people.

One of the players, Jude Law, said the similarity was also felt when filming Contagion.

To GQ, Jude Law spoke about his iconic role and his suspicions that a pandemic like this will happen in the future.

"A scientist who was with us on set who worked with writer Scott Z. Burns and director Steven Soderbergh was the one who knew what was going to happen."

"And they told us (Contagion players) that something like this would happen," he said further.

"The way they (scientists) describe it fits perfectly with what happened, it makes sense. What's creepy about what you learned is that you were told by an expert. "

Therefore, when Jude Law heard the news about what was happening in China and started happening in the world, it started to remind him of what was in Contagion.

The 2011 film Contagion starring Jude Law with Gwyneth Paltrow and Matt Damon tells of a pandemic condition caused by a virus and the entire team is trying to find a cure for the condition.

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