YOGYAKARTA During the development and growth period, children need the right direction so they don't experience behavioral problems. The purpose of the direction for children is to become human beings develop and be confident later. In this regard, there are ten principles of parenting by parents written during Steinberg, Ph.D., in The Ten Basic Principles of Good Parenting.

In writing his book, although Steinberg analyzed a study for 75 years. What are the principles in his book that can be used as a guide for parents in raising their children? Here's the list.

Children pay attention to what their parents do. The first principle that parents need to hold, said Steinberg, as reported by WebMD, Thursday, September 15, is to pay attention to what you do. Avoid reacting suddenly and ask yourself about what you want to achieve and how to achieve it.

Too much love for children by pampering them, it's not good. Because love is not proportional to pampering children. Usually, parents pamper the child because of the consequences as a substitute for love. This seems to lighten the sentence when for example parents do not have enough quality time spent with their children.

Being a parent involves takes time and hard work. Therefore, you need to weigh and reset priorities. This often means sacrificing what you want to do. But it should be understood that 'involved' does not mean doing children's homework.

It is important for parents to follow the development of their children. Children will grow to adulthood, and consider how age affects children's behavior. This can be related to children's independence, for example when they are three years old, in contrast to the independence rate of children aged seven years. Starting from intellectual growth to cognitive, psychological, and social aspects.

The rules can never be separated from their relationship with behavior. The rules learned by the children will form the rules that he applies to himself later. For example, when they are still in elementary school, they need to be accompanied in preparing a backpack and its contents before going to school. Meanwhile, when children get older, they need to be allowed to do their own homework.

Setting boundaries helps your child develop a sense of self-control. Encouraging independence will help him direct himself. Plus, it's normal for children to be given autonomy.

If the rules given by parents vary day by day and are unpredictable, bad behavior by children is built because of that. Consistency in building discipline and if parents are inconsistent, children will later be confused by the rules that they will hold.

Parents should not hit their children in any circumstances. Children who experience physical violence, such as being beaten, slapped, pinched, prone to fighting with other children. Steinberg added, there are many other ways to discipline children, including time out, and others that do not involve aggression.

Orang tua yang otoriter, tidak membuka komunikasi dua arah. Ada pula orang tua yang terlalu banyak menjelaskan aturan pada anak kecil tetapi kurang menjelaskan pada remaja. Jangan sampai apa yang sudah jelas bagi Anda tetapi tidak disahami oleh anak-anak.

If children understand the rules, they have priorities, assessments, and even experiences related to these rules.

According to Steinberg, the best way to get respect from your child is to treat him with respect. Additional advice from professor of psychology at Temple University, Philadelphia, try to respect the child's opinion, pay attention when they talk, treat them well, and try to please them when you can. That way children will be kind to treat their parents.

That is the basic principle of good parenting. According to Steinberg, these principles help foster empathy, honesty, independence, self-control, kindness, cooperation, and joy.

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