YOGYAKARTA The question of how many calories in a boiled egg is often heard in someone who is on a diet or weight loss program.

Please note, eggs are often used as a breakfast menu for many because they are easy to process. Egges can be cooked into beef eggs, beef eye eggs or used as boiled eggs.

So, how much is Kalori in the Called Egg Rebus?

Quoted by VOI from Verywell Fit, Saturday, September 10, 2022, eggs are foods rich in nutrients.

The eggs contain high vitamins and minerals. The content is even greater than the number of calories in the egg.

In addition, eggs are a good source of protein. Most of the protein content is found in egg whites, which are about 4-5 grams and 17 calories.

There is no fat in egg whites. However, egg whites are very rich in lucinates or amino acids that can help lose weight.

Illustration of boiled eggs (congerdesign-Pixabay).

According to the United State Department of Agriculture (USDA), the nutritional content in boiled eggs is:

Benefits of Consumption of Rebus eggs

For additional information, eggs are processed food that is not contaminated with other substances. Therefore, boiling eggs is one way to get optimal benefits of eggs.

The benefits of boiled eggs for health include:

In boiled eggs, they contain a high amount of lutein and zeroaxanthin. These two nutrients are good for maintaining eye health and can prevent degeneration in maculars. Routine consumption of boiled eggs can also reduce the risk of cataracts.

Consumption of boiled eggs is also very good for the brain. The high content of the collage is very good for maintaining brain structures, which help convey messages from the brain to nerves and muscles. In addition, kolin can also maintain the nervous system and be good for heart health.

The benefits of boiled eggs in pregnant women are helping the development of the fetus's brain and preventing birth defects.

As mentioned above, boiled eggs are a very good source of lean protein that is suitable for someone who is running a diet program. cob eggs will make you full without including too many calories.

Consumption of boiled eggs can also maintain bone health because in the egg there is vitamin D which can increase calcium absorption and regulate calcium lizards in the blood.

Quoted from Healthy Eating, in a day, the body requires 600 units of vitamin D. Well, in one boiled egg, it contains 45 units of vitamin D.

boiled eggs produce good fats aka unsaturated fats and are not bored double. This good fat can stabilize blood cholesterol levels so as to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

In one egg, it contains a high amount of protein. A sufficient protein intake is very important for the health of the body.

In addition, eggs contain essential amino acids in the right ratio so that the body is properly equipped to fully utilize the protein in them. Consumption of protein that is sufficient can help build muscle mass.

That's the information on the number of calories in a boiled egg and its health benefits. Releasing eggs is one way to get optimal benefits of eggs.

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