Don't Eat Anything! This Is A Recommendation Of 6 Safe Fruits For People With Lambung Asams
Illustration of melon fruit (Unsplash/iniisralston)

YOGYAKARTA - Disorders of enough stomach acid are digestive health problems that many people often complain about. People who suffer or are being advised to eat certain foods such as fruit. What are the stomach acid fruits that need to be consumed?

Stomach acid disease is also known as GERD. This disease is quite disturbing the comfort and activities of the sufferer. GERD occurs due to bad habits that cause stomach acid to rise, such as poor food consumption, poor diet, stress, to other problems.

stomach acid suffering maintains and chooses food intake. Fruits are one of the foods to treat stomach acid. However, not all fruits are recommended, because fruit that contains high acid can make stomach acid recur.

So what are the fruit recommendations for stomach acid that are safe for sufferers to consume?

stomach acid symptoms can appear at any time new to people who have a history of this disease. A diet and improper intake are factors in the appearance of stomach acid diseases.

There are several fruits that need to be consumed to treat stomach acid disease. These fruits contain good vitamins for stomach and digestive health.

people with stomach acid are advised to eat banana fruit. This fruit is said to be able to help reduce stomach acid and relieve ulcer symptoms.

Bananas are good for people with stomach acid because they have weak acid content. The acid content has a pH content of around 4.5 - 5.2. In addition, high fiber content in banana fruit can also prevent digestive problems in people with stomach acid.

Bananas have a smooth and easy texture, so they can help the health of the stomach. Then the banana consumed can form a protective layer for the ophthalm to prevent the possibility of stomach acid.

Apple is also a good fruit for stomach acid. Apple fruit has a high fiber content. In addition, apples also contain good calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

Various ingredients in apples can help relieve the emerging symptoms of ulcers. But keep in mind, not all apples are good for consumption of people with stomach acid.

people with stomach acid need an apple type to be consumed. realize that the apple is green because it has a rather acidic taste that can cause symptoms of ulcers. A good type for stomach acid is a mature red apple

The fruit that is safe for stomach acid next is melon. This green fruit has a fairly high baseline properties because it contains magnesium minerals.

The magnesium content in melon is the main ingredient of antacated drugs used to relieve the symptoms of ulcers. melon is safe because it does not trigger an increase in stomach acid levels. In addition, this fruit also has a rich nutritional content, so it is good to meet the body's nutritional substances.

Pepaya is also a fruit that is recommended to treat stomach acid. Pepaya fruit contains papan enzymes that are good for digestive health and overcome stomach acid disorders.

The content of the papain enzyme in papaya fruit produced from the sap of the fruit. This content is beneficial for the digestive process and the ease of protein distancing.

Stomach acid congestion is also recommended to eat coconut fruit. Water contained in coconut fruit contains potassium minerals and various compounds that help the digestive system process.

The nutritional content contained in coconut fruit is beneficial for people with stomach acid disorders. In addition, coconut water also plays a role in maintaining normal body temperature and preventing inflammation of the stomach.

That was the fruit recommendation for stomach acid that is safe for sufferers to consume. You need to consume the fruit regularly to avoid stomach acid disorders.

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