3 New Episodes Animated Rafathar Si Aa Present In DVD Format
Raffi Ahmad (Photo: ANTARA)

JAKARTA - Si Aa's 3D animated series, starring Rafathar Malik Ahmad as the main cast and voice actor, is now back in the form of a DVD with an additional three exclusive episodes. The DVD animation compilation entitled The Senu Si Aa Story was made by the Animators of Rans Animation Studio.

The new episodes include the title of AA's Anniversary, AA being a racer, and talent for AA's singing. Meanwhile, seven other episodes were previously broadcast by Rans, selected based on fans' favorites which were judged from the number of viewers.

We tried to go to animation because we know that Indonesian animation is also currently developing. And young children, especially Indonesian families, are indeed targets of the market family," said Raffi Ahmad as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, August 26.

Ten episodes contain Rafathar's daily stories but have moral messages in them. The new episodes are created by adding inspiration from unique things around KFC such as episodes of AA's Birthday which tells the story of Rafathar celebrating his birthday at KFC.

There is also an episode of AA Becomes a Driver tells the story of Rafathar who has the desire to become a racer like Sean Galael, and Bakat Nyanyi si AA tells the story of Rafathar learning to be a singer with JMSI CEO Steve Kaliwhite.

Raffi admitted that the work on three new episodes by his animation studio took almost a year, including one month to work on the story.

I made these three episodes quite a long time (work time). So the animation is not immediately available, yes. Here the duration is approximately 7-8 minutes a clip. We can make one clip for two months, approximately, two months to three months," he said.

Meanwhile, Nagita Slavina admitted that it was quite difficult in the process of working on a new episode considering that she had to adjust to Rafathar's mood. Therefore, the challenge, said Nagita, is that there must be a team that is always ready or on standby if at any time Rafathar is ready to record a voice.

"As a parent, I also definitely want to make sure that the time for playing is not disturbed, the time for eating is all he needs, he is not disturbed," said Nagita.

"So the challenge is that the team must be on standby when they want, when they are free, yes, we will do it," he added.

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