JAKARTA - The Citayam Fashion Week phenomenon appreciates the DKI Jakarta Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (KADIN) for holding the 2022 Djakarta Festival by involving young communities to channel their interests and talents to enliven the Djakarta Fashion Festival. This activity collaborated with the Education Office and involved high school and vocational students in Marching Band and Cheerleader competitions.

The Djakarta Festival also collaborates with the World Clean Up Day (WCD) Community which supports the cleanliness of the event. The involvement of the WCD Community is also in order to echo the commemoration of the Worldwide Clean-Up Day which falls on 19 September 2022. Not to mention famous artists such as Kahitna, Andra & Backbone were brought in to entertain visitors as well as enliven the event.

In order to restore the country's economic conditions, DKI Jakarta KADIN embraces Small and Medium Industries (IKM) and MSMEs through the 2022 Djakarta Festival. This event can be accessed free of charge by the entire community, only on condition that they comply with health protocols and have received the Covid-19 vaccination. For people who have not received the booster vaccine or the third dose, the vaccine booth is also available for free at the Djakarta Festival. Located at the East Parking Senayan, the Djakarta Festival will last for three days, Friday-Sunday, August 26-28 2022.

The Djakarta Festival is part of a series of activities at the 3rd Provincial Leadership Meeting (RAPIMPROV) of the Jakarta Chamber of Commerce and Industry. At the 2022 event, the General Chairperson of the DKI Jakarta KADIN, Diana Dewi as the General Chairperson, explained that the Djakarta Festival 2022 carries the theme "Encouraging the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to Respond to Regulation and Application of Domestic Competency Levels (TKDN) for Strengthening Entrepreneurs" and the sub-theme "Implementation TKDN in the Context of Empowering and Strengthening IKM and MSMEs in the Recovery of the Jakarta Economy".

"The Jakarta Chamber of Commerce and Industry as the organizer aims to strengthen the commitment between stakeholders to take sides and collaborate together in bringing back DKI Jakarta IKM and MSMEs, especially after being hit by the Covid 19 Pandemic," he said.

The pandemic that hit during the last two years had a significant impact on the Indonesian economy. Almost all fields of business on a large and small scale have also fallen. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have not been spared the impact of the pandemic. Based on a survey conducted by Bank Indonesia (BI), as many as 77.95 percent of MSMEs in Indonesia will be affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021.

Whereas MSMEs are the biggest pillar that supports the Indonesian economy. MSMEs have a contribution of 61.97% of the total national Gross Domestic Product (GDP) or equivalent to Rp. 8,500 trillion in 2020. MSMEs also absorb a large number of workers, namely 97% of the absorption capacity of the business world in 2020.

The Jakarta Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) in RAPIMPROV III/2022 was also inspired by the holding of the first Jakarta Fair Event (PRJ) on June 5-20 July 1968. Looking back, at that time the name was still using the name Djakarta Fair and was coined by the Chairman of KADIN at that time, Syamsudin Manganese.

Armed with this idea, Djakarta Fair gradually developed into the largest exhibition and changed its name to Pekan Raya Jakarta. The implementation of the Djakarta Festival this time is also a moment to strengthen the legacy of KADIN as the initiator of the Djakarta Fair.

Furthermore, Diana Dewi explained that the Djakarta Festival will be attended by 300 IKM and MSME participants in the culinary, fashion, craft and technopreneur businesses with products. Some of the products marketed at this Djakarta Festival include knitted bags, creations from woven batik. These IKM and MSMEs received booths (tents, tables, chairs, electricity) at the Djakarta Festival event for free.

However, previously these 300 IKM and MSMEs have gone through a curation process from the organizers including business licenses, packaging models, total production capacity per day, as well as their portfolio. The Djakarta Festival specifically cooperates with the IKM belonging to the disabled from the community and social services.

“The big concept of the Djakarta Festival in this activity is nobody left behind. That is, all layers are invited to collaborate to be involved. KADIN DKI Jakarta wants to take concrete actions so that MSMEs belonging to disabilities can be equal to other MSMEs. The involvement of people with disabilities as part of this community goes hand in hand with other pillars, namely the government, the business world, and the general public,” he said.

Jakarta Chamber of Commerce and Industry is fully committed to assisting MSMEs to continue to advance in class so that they can Go Digital, Go Global through the Export market. Diana Dewi hopes that the Djakarta Festival can run smoothly, providing benefits to MSME participants. and make people proud to use the products of the nation's children.

“Hopefully, the Djakarta Festival, which is part of the work program of the Jakarta Chamber of Commerce and Industry, can benefit the community. To be a motivator for promoting domestic products so that they are proud of being made in Indonesia. The next impact is to increase employment opportunities and indirectly increase people's income and national economic growth after Covid," concluded Diana Dewi.

Still on the theme of recovering the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Djakarta Festival also held a Booster Vaccination Center as a precaution against the transmission of the Covid-19 virus and the National Child Immunization Month (BIAN). This vaccination center is the result of a collaboration between the Jakarta Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government Health Office.

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