JAKARTA - Approaching his seventh birthday, Rafathar, the eldest son of the couple Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina, fell ill.

The news was shared directly by 'Sultan Andara' through his Instagram account @raffinagita1717 on Sunday, August 14.

Raffi posted several Instagram stories highlighting his eldest son who was being hugged tightly by Nagita because he was sick.

According to the stories shared, Raffi Ahmad's son, whose full name is Rafathar Malik Ahmad, was vomiting which caused his body to limp.

"Some want their seventh birthday, but their stomach hurts again," said Raffi, who was seen putting his hand under Rafathar's head.

In the next story, Raffi highlights his wife who is hugging Rafathar who is sick.

In addition to vomiting, Raffi also revealed that Rafathar's body also had a fever.

"Oh, don't be sick. Rafathar is vomiting, his body is hot," said the presenter and top artist.

Then, Raffi also asked for prayers to all netizens so that Rafathar would be given a speedy recovery.

"Please pray for Rafathar, so that Rafathar is healthy," said Raffi further.

Raffi Ahmad is indeed famous as a kind-hearted public figure, especially to people in need.

Recently, it was also reported that Raffi Ahmad was willing to pay Marshanda's hospital bills which reached Rp300 million.

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