YOGYAKARTA – Nutritionists and researchers have explored a number of health benefits of consuming spices over the past decade. Ginger, cinnamon, and turmeric, for example, are spices that are familiar to consumption, either as a flavor enhancer or brewed as a variety of healthy drinks. However, if the consumption method and the time of consumption are not right, it can have a bad effect on digestion.

Well, so that the benefits of spices are optimally absorbed and nourish the body, you need to pay attention to expert advice. This needs to be done so as not to bloat after consuming food or drinks from spices, it is not difficult to sleep until stomach acid rises at night.

Launching Huffpost, Friday, August 12, you need to understand that healthy eating can be beneficial for one person but not for everyone. That is, everyone has a medical history that needs to be considered. Registered nutritionist, YaQutullah Ibrahim Muhammad, suggests that not all recommendations can be put into practice. Before implementing healthy tips, you need to analyze your own health condition.

At least, before running a particular food diet, consult an experienced professional. Especially if you have to take your daily prescription medication. Certain drugs are not suitable when taken with spices. This means it is necessary to recognize the body's tolerance level and the need for consumption of spices.

tips mengonsumsi rempah untuk kesehatan
Illustration of tips for consuming spices for health (Unsplash/ Nipanan Lifestyle)

Spices are best consumed in the morning. At that time, the body has plenty of time to absorb the nutrients from the spices. Supriya Lal, a registered nutritionist advises, some people may find it difficult to tolerate spicy foods or drinks. Especially if you have a hernia or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

The most appropriate way to consume spices, identify specifically the types and benefits of spices. Like herbal teas with fenugreek seeds, it can help nursing mothers produce breast milk if taken before bed. Another specific benefit, ginger is consumed right after meals to support the digestive system and ward off nausea. If cinnamon, can be added in a cup of warm tea whose purpose is to reduce blood sugar levels and enrich the taste.

The next good recommendation, the body needs to be prepared before consuming spices. According to Ayurveda consultant Diana Bellofatto, how to drink warm water with lemon every morning. The goal is to activate digestive enzymes.

In addition to paying attention to the most appropriate time to consume spices, also consider the benefits of spices when combined with other food ingredients. For example, cinnamon in lamb or chicken can reduce the need for excess sodium or salt, thereby helping to manage hypertension. Or if you want to overcome inflammation, cayenne pepper, turmeric, and ginger have anti-inflammatory properties.

To absorb the best quality, it's best to choose whole spices rather than powders. According to Lal, fresh ginger and turmeric might spoil more easily. But powdered spices tend to lose their potency after a few months. That is, even if you choose powdered spices, pay attention to the production and expiration date. The closer to the production date, the better the quality.

So, if you are too busy to cook yourself at home, is it okay to take spice supplements? Spice powder in pills or capsules, may be nutrient dense, says Muhammad. But these are not FDA approved so they often contain uncontrolled ingredients. So, instead of taking spice pills, it's better to add smoothies with thyme or rosemary. You can also sprinkle other types of spices, as long as you know the specific benefits and do not tolerate the spices consumed.

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