YOGYAKARTA – Self-confidence and self-esteem tend to decrease if they often criticize themselves. According to the experience of Bob Taibbi, LSCW., clinical psychologist, self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-image fall into the same package. It's all about feeling good about yourself. The things that get in the way of feeling good about yourself are being overly critical of yourself, or external factors that don't always support your choices.

Based on Taibbi's advice as reported by Psychology Today, Monday, August 8, you don't need to start concrete steps to improve self-esteem and self-confidence by changing emotions but must change what you do. Here are some Taibbi tips for increasing good feelings about yourself.

1. Challenge yourself

Departing from 'what do you want to change about yourself?' challenges can begin. Maybe something physical, even a healthier lifestyle to how to talk to other people. Of course, choose one thing that motivates you to move. That way, you will be excited in carrying out the mission.

cara meningkatkan self-esteem dan kepercayaan diri
Illustrates how to increase self-esteem and self-confidence (Unsplash/Nicholas Bartos)
2. Map small steps

Small steps are much better than stagnant or walking in place. No matter how small the step to make a move, you've been battling the move-or-nothing option. Do the steps you choose with the eye even though it is slow but able to win the 'race'.

3. Focus on effort, not results

Not infrequently efforts do not get the desired results. But you get the courage to change the things that make you feel bad. Taibbi's message, don't measure success by what happens next, but stay focused on the effort put in.

4. Stop criticizing yourself

The critical voice will always be in your head and ready to pounce. You can think of this critical voice as a nuisance but you also have the power to protect yourself right? So start paying attention when critical voices come out of your head. And tell yourself to stop making doubts move. Better yet, give yourself a round of applause for taking the risk and trying your best.

5. Get support

You don't have to walk alone, get support if you need it. Find someone you trust and can be a cheerleader. Even maintain close relationships with colleagues who have the ability to be good listeners. This will help you move forward, be more confident, and value yourself.

In addition to the five tips above, Taibbi also advises not to put high hopes. Lower expectations and discover that you can do more than you think.

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