JAKARTA - Artist Tasya Kamila tells of her struggle to find happiness for herself when her closest people experience various problems, both physical and mental. Tasya argues, it is very important to see things from the positive side.

"I am surrounded by people who have mental problems. One of my closest relatives is bipolar, while my other sibling is emotionally unstable," said Tasya Kamila, quoting Antara, Saturday, July 23.

Tasya said that her brothers often used it as a place of expression. For that, Tasya said, as much as possible not to stress and still be able to find the best solution.

"When my husband is sick, my husband is cancer survival, I don't even want to think about what makes him stress. I'm just thinking about the solution," added Tasya.

However, said Tasya, the suppressed stress had an effect on her physical condition. In addition to losing her hair, Tasya admits that she now suffers from GERD.

"Although I feel fine, it turns out that he was the one who fell out of my chemo. Maybe emotionally, I'm definitely sad but I'm sincere, but it turns out that with stress the body can act on its own," said Tasya.

After that, Tasya realized that she actually needed to chat and express what she felt, both with the people closest to her and with professionals so that she could be happier. "When I feel helpless, I have to go to a professional, that's ok. Even though there is no instant solution, it still greatly reduces our stress," said Tasya. For that, Tasya then invited people not to hesitate to seek help from the closest people or professionals when they felt they were not feeling well, even if it was only just vent. In addition, he said, it is also important to always look at the positive side and find happiness from the simplest things. ," said Tasya. "The support system is also important. Of course, there are people we can trust to talk to, talk to. If you don't have one at all, if you yourself have become a source of stress for many people, but you yourself don't feel strong, I I don't feel ashamed or taboo anymore to come to the expert, to a psychologist," he concluded.

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