JAKARTA - Ruben Onsu told the news that his wife, Sarwendah, was diagnosed with a rare disease. Initially, Sarwendah complained of a headache that did not go away, after being examined it turned out that there was a cyst in her brain stem.

Ruben Onsu was in Singapore at the time and was contacted by a doctor who examined his wife. "How come the phone doesn't ring, let me know if there is something in the brain stem and it's more sensitive," said Ruben Onsu, quoted from the YouTube channel Trans 7, Wednesday, July 20.

When he found out that his wife had a cyst on her brain stem, Ruben Onsu couldn't help but be silent. "I sat down, I stayed silent on the side of the road, then I thought it was over, there's more," he said.

As if he was in a series of trials, the sick Ruben had to accept the bad news about his wife's health condition. The suggestion to run the operation made him nervous because it was risky.

"Indeed, surgery is a bit risky. That's why yesterday I went to the Prof at one of the hospitals here," said Ruben.

Ruben Onsu also encouraged his wife and strengthened each other. "He calms me down, I calm him down. Sick people comfort the sick," said Ruben.

It seems that Ruben and Sarwendah want to be completely healed, they will both seek treatment in Singapore in mid-July 2022.

"In the third week I started taking leave for treatment," said Ruben Onsu, quoted from Celeb on Cam, Monday, July 11.

But they do not seek treatment at the same hospital. "But it's also a bit of a surprise, it turns out that while I was there I couldn't go to the same hospital. Where is Wenda, where am I. Because I got the same date, it turns out that the pain is not the same. So the hospital is different." said Ruben Onsu again.

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