YOGYAKARTA – Jealousy is a complex emotion experienced by both men and women. According to psychological studies, men tend to be jealous of sexual infidelity. Meanwhile, women are jealous of emotional infidelity.

On the one hand, jealousy can be constructive because it is a symbol of love and desire. But it can also damage relationships as it symbolizes stability and a fragile connection. Quoting Psychology Today, Monday, July 18, in Why Jealousy Is as Necessary as Love and Sex by David Buzz, both men and women are programmed to be jealous as a solution to reproductive and survival problems. Jealously, men guard their partners from sexual activity with rivals for the purpose of possession of offspring. Women, guarding the attention and love of men from rivals to ensure protection and survival.

So when does jealousy become toxic that poisons and destroys relationships?

cemburu yang merusak hubungan dengan pasangan
Illustration of jealousy ruining relationship with partner (iStockphoto)

Jealousy can stir emotions. Specifically, because of jealousy a person becomes more alert, obsessive, and possessive. According to psychologist Suzanne B. Phillips, Psy.D., ABPP., because of jealousy couples do not live freely and healthily. If you don't have the freedom to choose with you, for example, your partner will be like a prisoner. This also won't solve the problem. Even jealousy flares up and burns the foundation of the most important relationship, mutual trust.

Relationships built on fear of loss may also overestimate love. In effect, real happiness is not felt by everyone who is a couple.

Like a coin with two cross sections. Jealousy can also build when you and your partner interact more and open up to each other. Well, this constructive jealousy is driven by connection and confidence. Phillips advice, reduce destructive jealousy and build constructive jealousy. One of them is by developing trust and harnessing the power of touch.

The power of touch according to research, can calm, regulate, and reduce feelings of jealousy in partners. For example, by holding a partner's hand, hugging, or sending messages containing small concerns.

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