YOGYAKARTA – Some cat lovers claim that the character of a cat's personality is related to its coat pattern. But there is no scientific evidence relating to the behavior of cats with their coat patterns. In general, tabby cats with an 'M' mark on their foreheads are considered more aggressive and affectionate, while orange cats are considered lazy.
Researchers, reported by The Cat Site, Wednesday, July 13, searched to determine whether coat color and pattern play a role in a cat's tendency to behave aggressively. The study was conducted by the University of California, by conducting a survey on cat owners and analyzing the results. They pointed out that no particular group of cats was more aggressive than another. So why do tabby cats bite, scratch, and behave aggressively?
Cats have claws and teeth that are sometimes used even to interact with their owners. There are many reasons why cats do this, and it has nothing to do with the pattern or color of their coat. Meanwhile, some cats bite for play and their way of communicating. Therefore, cat pet lovers, need to know the style of the anabul in interacting.

For example, if you pet them before biting your hand, they may be telling you that they want you to stop petting them. On the other hand, if you're busy and suddenly the anabul bites you, it may be their way of getting your attention.
So why is the orange tabby cat considered lazy? This is the reputation of pop culture attached to them. Garfield's character, for example, an orange cat spends the day sleeping and the other half of the day eating. In fact, cats do spend half the day sleeping because they store energy to 'hunt' at night.
While the idea that tabby cats are more affectionate, is a positive generalization but not accurate according to science. When researching different breeds and types of cats, you may find information that contradicts this myth. Some sources, indeed confirm that cats are very affectionate. But other sources admit that it is not as affectionate as imagined.

You need to know, as many as 70 percent of cats have a tabby sign or the letter 'M' on their foreheads. Cats are also identified as good first pets because they are relatively low-maintenance as well as loving and interactive. However, cats are like any other pet, each with a unique personality.
Generally, tabby cats are identified by two different coat colors. Or at least have the same color but with a different tone. One color is more solid and the other is lighter so that it forms an 'M' pattern on her forehead. The meaning of 'M' is also rooted in religious legends and myths. One myth explains that the sign was given by Jesus' mother, Mary, as a symbol of gratitude after a female cat approached Jesus to comfort him.
This legend is also similar in Islam, the 'M' sign symbolizes gratitude because a female cat killed a snake that was hiding in the sleeve of the Prophet Muhammad. The Egyptians have a different story about tabby cats. Cats with this unique forehead pattern are believed to have a connection with the moon, as evidenced by the reflection of danger in their eyes. According to Egyptian culture, the 'M' sign represents the relationship, as well as the Egyptian word 'Mau' for 'cat'.
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