JAKARTA - Dewi Perssik has repeatedly expressed her disappointment at being divorced by Angga Wijaya. His desire to reconcile was one-sided.

One by one, the disappointment made Dewi open up her husband's shortcomings. Starting from just serving in bed, taking luxury items, to falsifying signatures.

Even though Dewi seems to have cornered him, Angga doesn't want to vilify his wife. He didn't even want to reveal his reasons for applying for a divorce permit.

"Honestly, I made the decision, it was very mature, I even had a chance to talk to my sister and it wasn't a unilateral decision I made," he said on Angga Wijaya's YouTube channel, quoted on Wednesday, July 13.

Angga does not want to reveal the reason, but he is sure that Dewi Perssik knows the reason.

"Let it be said to be a secret, won't it, but let it be our secret. Me, ng, and Allah knows. Let's just pray that my decision is right and the best, "he continued.

Angga Wijaya hopes that in the future Dewi Perssik will find a better replacement than him. He also thanked the public for praying for their relationship.

"Hopefully you will get a better replacement, I wish you more success. Many prayed for me, those who did not support me, may Allah SWT pray for your goodness," he said.

Angga Wijaya again apologized if he had been judged to have hurt Dewi Perssik. Once again he stressed that he would not give excuses to the public.

"I don't want that if for example we are not together, we will become enemies. I met the lady on good terms, so if you separate, I want it to be fine," said Angga Wijaya.

The trial for the divorce of Dewi Perssik and Angga Wijaya has reached a dead end. Mediation was not successful so that the divorce process was continued by preparing their respective witnesses.

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